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茅台是酒中上品。Mao-tai is a good clear wine.

茅台是酒中上品。Maotai is a top-grade spirit.

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茅台是一种中国的名酒。Mao-tai is a famous Chinese liquor.

“你们都喝茅台吗?”他问道。"Can you all drink mao-t'ai?" he asked.

茅台是中国最知名的白酒品牌。Maotai is the most famous baijiu brand in China.

白兰地和茅台度数太高了,我不行。Brandy and Maotai are too high degress , I can't.

贵州政府正在研究措施保护茅台水资源。Guizhou mulls rules to protect Moutai water source.

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您喜欢哪种酒,茅台、凤还是汾酒?What wine do you prefer, Maotai, Xuefent or Fenjiu?

我很高兴我贮藏了两箱茅台。I'm glad I have put down a couple of cases of Maotai.

为什么宜宾产五粮琼浆、贵州出国酒茅台?Why the world famous wine WuLiangYe produced in YiBin ?

他很能喝酒,非常喜欢中国茅台。He's a heavy drinker and he likes Chinese Maotai very much.

你们想喝点什么,啤酒,香槟,葡萄酒,还是茅台?What would you like to drink, beer, champagne, wine , or Maotai?

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中国“茅台”酒演变于贵州的茅台镇的“赖氏”家族。China "Maotai" Evolution in Guizhou Maotai wine town "Lai" family.

如今茅台已经形成中国酱香型白酒产业带。Today, Maotai liquor has formed China Maotai-industrial white liquor belt.

故有消费者说,国酒茅台,喝出健康来。Therefore, consumers have said that the State Liquor Maotai, drink a health.

茅台,从此走上世界舞台,从此高踞世界三大名酒的宝座。Maotai, from now on to the world stage, and live on three world famous throne.

白兰地和茅台度数太髙了,我不行。来杯干红就行了。Brandy and Mao Tai are too strong for me. Just a glass of dry red wine, please.

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白兰地和茅台度数太高了,我不行。来杯干红就行了。Brandy and Mao-Tai are too strong for me. Just a glass of dry red wine, please.

茅台所产的酒质量特别好,从古至今早有定论。Maotai liquor produced by exceptionally good quality, avers early controversial.

对茅台集团传统产品茅台酒我们沿着四个方向调整。Traditional products of Maotai Group Maotai we adjust along the four directions.