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设有非吸烟楼层。Non-smoking rooms are available.

请问你比较喜欢哪些楼层?May I ask which floor you prefer?

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维持楼层布草房的干净和整洁。Keep floor linen rooms neat and tidy.

每个楼层都有一个消防栓。On every floor there is a fire hydrant.

我这个楼层有一半的男生在追她。Half the guys on my floor are after her.

那是呼烟楼层还是非呼烟楼层?Is that on a smoking or non-smoking floor?

这个楼层的整个地板都是陶瓷材料。The entire floor of this level is ceramic.

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在大学里,整一楼层成了家庭。In college the entire floor becomes family.

天啊,整个楼层闻起来像脚臭的味道!OMG! The whole floor smell like stinky feet!

令我惊奇的是,我们下了车在同一楼层。To my surprise, we got off at the same floor.

直到他到了自己的楼层,他再没说话。Without another word, he got off at his floor.

当然可以,高汉先生。请问你比较喜欢哪些楼层?Of course, sir. May I ask which floor you prefer?

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更好的话,可以爬爬楼层间的楼梯。Better yet, climb the stairs between hallway laps.

应通过楼梯井进行楼层疏散。Floor evacuations should be made by the stairwells.

酒店装修高贵典雅,有直达电梯到各楼层。The decoration of the hotel is dignity and elegance.

冻结的先生嘻哈舞步是一个楼层的一步。The Mister Freeze hip-hop dance move is a floor step.

如要关上机门,就按下其中一个楼层按掣。To close the landing door, press either floor button.

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楼层就像是叠加起来的回飞棒。The floors are like these stacked up boomerang thingys.

这楼层的电梯旁边有一台制冰机。There's an ice dispenser near the elevator on this floor.

按照计划,定期清扫配电室及楼层配电柜。Clean the distribution room and electric closet regularly.