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这件事与你有何相干?What has this to do with you?

它与国家毫相干!It with national baekho coherent!

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第二,激光具有相干性。Second, the laser has a coherence.

并对这两种纠缠相干态进行了讨论。Discussions on the two ECSs are presented.

拿撒勒的耶稣,我们与你有什么相干?What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth?

介绍了量子力学的退相干理论。The decoherence in quantum mechanics is studied.

证明谐振子的任何状态都是薛定谔相干态。It is shown any states of harmonic oscillator are SCS.

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怎么啦?让了跟我有什么相干?What's the matter? You got conned for anything I care.

苏息与事情的闭系,正如眼睑与眼睛的相干。Rest is one of the work because the eyelids to the eyes.

苏息与事情的闭系,正如眼睑与眼睛的相干。Rest is one of the work just as the eyelids to the eyes.

信主的和不信的有甚麽相干呢?What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever ?

本文发展了一种非相干光图象消模糊的方法。An incoherent image-deblurring method has been developed.

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下一章供给了相干的信息。The information concerned is provided in the next chapter.

利用功率谱分析噪声信号的特性,利用相干性确定噪声源。By using coherent analysis, we can define the noise source.

事实上,激光与非相干光不同。It is a fact that laser is different from incoherent light.

相干光的强度迅速地增大。The intensity of the coherent light builds up very rapidly.

移动电话通知相干民员这外有涂鸦。The mobile phone app tells officials where the graffiti is.

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点内电子-电子库仑作用会引起退相干么?。Do intradot electron-electron interactions induce dephasing?

相干斑点噪声是SAR影像的重要特征之一。Speckle is one of the most important characters of SAR image.

本文把相干态的概念推广到李超代数的情形。The concept of coherent states is extended o Lie superalgebras.