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我相信这是一个下行趋势。I believe this is a downward trend.

可以在无祭司的状况下行奥迹吗?。Can we have mystery without a priest?

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下行。兽皮和蜂蜜,麦芽酒和牛油。Down. Hides and honey, ale and tallow.

减速并观察铁路上下行方向。Slow down and look both ways for trains.

二月步骤下行变为行动带动你!Steps to Spur Your Downline Into Action!

今天下行的自动楼梯不开。The down escalator is not running today.

从下行管拆卸排气隔热罩。Remove exhaust heat shield from down pipe.

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他们在山雨欲来的天空下行进。They are marching under a threatening sky.

或者你可以沿着荷兰公园大道下行。Or you can go down on to Holland Park Avenue

下行和宫或麻省理工学院管理。Dower and Miyagawa or the MIT administration.

卡恩斯一家沿着西拉斐特街一路下行。The family walked down West Lafayette Street.

他已经学会用小手指敲击下行键。He has learned to hit PageDown with his pinkie.

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在中国,下行列车编号用奇数。In China, the down trains are given odd numbers.

正如我今天所提到的,存在着‘下行风险’。And as I mentioned today, there are downside risks.

请点按下行连结键文以观读中文版。For a Chinese version, please click the link below.

因此,未来钢材市场将继续震荡下行。Therefore, the steel market will continue to shocks.

从下行管拆卸排气隔热罩。Install exhaust heat shield, tighten bolts to 11 N·m.

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我们需要同时考虑上行和下行视图。We need to consider both the upstream and downstream view.

美国航空航天局电视视频流和下行信息,请访问For NASA TV streaming video and downlink information, visit

一秒长的照亮是由一个快速的下行直窜先导激发的。A second brightening is caused by a fast, downward dart-leader.