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他的腮帮子里塞满梨。His cheek is stuffed with pear.

他的腮帮子里塞满苹果。His cheek is stuffed with apple.

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狒狒把什么储存在腮帮子里?What do baboons keep in their cheek pouches?

它们会嬉笑打闹,相互亲腮帮子。They will be frolicking with each other pro cheeks.

我鼓起腮帮子以表示愤慨。I plumped out my cheeks in an expression of indignation.

这位律师每当沉思时便撮紧腮帮子。The lawyer sucked in his cheeks whenever he was thinking hard.

太好了,咱们要甩开腮帮子大吃一顿!等等,咱们没有烧烤架啊!No problem, I went to the store yesterday and got a fancy new grill.

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用那个脱毛膏脱腮帮子这里的毛可以吗?那个有副作用吗?Is wherewith depilated cream is the wool here OK? Do that have side effect?

随着我年龄渐长,我得到的评分也高了,但我鼓腮帮子的毛病总也改不了。The ratings got better when I grew older, but I never quite cured the puffy cheeks.

每当有一只鸟飞过,我都会鼓起腮帮子,呱呱呱呱的大叫。Whenever there is a bird flying across, I will summon the cheek, quack quack cried out.

她退后一步,朝着镜子做鬼脸,唆进腮帮子,把眉毛拱起来。She stepped back and made a face in the mirror, sucking in her cheeks and arching her eyebrows.

那船娘正仰头放声大笑,笑得眼泪都从腮帮子上滚下来了。The barge-woman was leaning back and laughing unrestrainedly, till the tears ran down her cheeks.

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酒店招牌菜,软兜长鱼48元。长鱼就是鳝鱼,吃起来软滑甜香,好吃的无语了,我可真是甩开腮帮子大嚼特嚼啊!The Ruan Dou EEL, RMB 48. Taste soft, slide, sweet and salty, such nice dish make you can not stop.

从北方往下移动的低垂的鸟云,使天色早早地就变得黑沉沉的、一片雪花触着了他的腮帮子。Low, dark clouds moving down from the north were bringing darkness early. A snowflake touched his cheek.

分队每发一次排枪,伽弗洛什就用舌头鼓起他的腮帮子,表示极大的蔑视。At every discharge by platoons, Gavroche puffed out his cheek with his tongue, a sign of supreme disdain.

分队每发一次排枪,伽弗洛什就用舌头鼓起他的腮帮子,表示极大的蔑视。At every discharge by platoons , Gavroche puffed out his cheek with his tongue, a sign of supreme disdain.

我的动机是好的,本想给发着低烧的身体和肿胀的腮帮子降降温,结果看来并不好。One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programmes by their intentions rather than their results.

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我终于摇摇晃晃走进教室去上健康课,鼻血已经不流了,但我的眼睛乌青,腮帮子肿大。When I finally staggered into Health class, my nose had stopped bleeding but I had a black eye and a swollen cheek.

我至今还保留着几张评委们对我早期独奏的打分表,上面指出我低音区控制不好,乐句划分做的不好,腮帮子太鼓等等。I still have some of the judges rating sheets on my early solos, pointing out my poor control in the lower register, bad phrasing, and puffy cheeks.

在豹子的另一边端坐着一个健硕的裸体男子,他手肘支在膝头,手握拳托着腮帮子,全然一副痛苦不堪的样子。Beyond the leopard was a naked, muscular gentleman, who sat, looking down, with his chin on his fist and his elbow on his knee. He seemed utterly miserable.