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大火很快就不再冒头。And soon the fire began to stop.

错误思想一冒头,就及时采取了措施。Proper measures were taken as soon as erroneous ideas cropped up.

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但当火气开始冒头时,退下来歇口气。But when the tempers start to flare, step back and take a breather.

他波浪状的白发柔顺地披下,但仍有几簇乱发偷偷冒头。His wavy white hair was smoothed down but it still stuck out in places.

这种言论似乎每隔20年便会再次冒头。That seems to be a theme that kind of repeats itself every couple of decades.

痤疮病损愈合缓慢,而且一个痤疮刚有痊愈迹象,其他的又要冒头了。Acne lesions heal slowly, and when one begins to resolve, others seem to crop up.

8月5日的满月食将使财政方面的谈话或行动冒头。The full moon eclipse on August 5 will bring financial talks and actions to a head.

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在以后的几十年里,咖啡和咖啡馆屡次被禁,但却总是重新冒头。Coffee and coffeehouses were subsequently banned several times over the next few decades, but they kept reappearing.

虽然大家的注意力放在北京和上海,但那些年轻的富人会迅速在中国二三等城市乃至更低层次的城市迅速冒头。And for all the attention grabbed by Beijing and Shanghai, they will be popping up most rapidly in China’s second- and third-tier or lower cities.

演员鲍德温本人自是不太乐意作为常规角色正式加入这部剧,虽然他已经在剧中到处冒头四处点火让一大票人惦记他了。Baldwin will not, however, be joining the series as a full Gossip Girl cast member, even though he'll popping up here and there to stir up drama as needed.

演员鲍德温本人自是不太乐意作为常规角色正式加入这部剧,虽然他已经在剧中到处冒头四处点火让一大票人惦记他了。Baldwin will not, however, be joining the series as a full Gossip Girl cast member, even though he'll popping up here and there to stir up drama as needed.

荷兰给予年轻创作者的机会多不多?你会感到国家的大小对你有限制吗?或者它使你更容易冒头?。How many opportunities does The Netherlands offer to young creatives? Do you feel limited by the size of your country? Or does it make it easier to get noticed?

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“但愿走好运,我们可以承受我们所面对的比赛,我们有一些年轻球员冒头,比如科克兰和弗林蓬,他们都踢的很好,”温格说。"Touch wood we can absorb the number of games we face well and we have some younger players pushing like Coquelin and Frimpong, who are playing very well, " said Wenger.

即使你热心回答读者提问,创造的内容也能丰富读者的小日子,可是一旦这些傻傻的错误在你的博客里冒头,你就离失去读者的日子不远了。Even if you answer readers' questions and create content that will help enrich their lives, you are going to lose them if these silly little mistakes appear on your blog.

即使你热心回答读者提问,创造的内容也能丰富读者的小日子,可是一旦这些傻傻的错误在你的博客里冒头,你就离失去读者的日子不远了。Even if you answer readers’ questions and create content that will help enrich their lives, you are going to lose them if these silly little mistakes appear on your blog.

自2007年起,这个美国搜索巨头已经冒头进入非洲市场,在拉各斯,阿克拉,约翰内斯堡和康培拉设立了办公室,在内罗华建立了巨大的踞点。Since 2007, the American search giant has entered the African market head first, establishing offices in Lagos, Accra, Johannesburg, Dakar, and Kampala, with its largest presence in Nairobi.

金融危机已从私人金融体系转到了主权债务领域,全球经常账户失衡也开始再度冒头。With the financial crisis pivoting from the private financial system to sovereign debt and global current account imbalances starting to re-emerge the world needed robust mechanisms to cope with both.