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浴池的水慢慢排走。The bath-water slowly drained away.

谁去以及去浴池做什么?Who Goes?What Goes on at Bathhouses?

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ois一世已经关闭了法国的浴池。ois I had closed the French bath houses.

果然是皇帝李隆基自己用的浴池,就是大。Indeed, Emperor Li Longji's pool is much bigger.

休闲区,有吧台,几个浴池,当然篮球也不例外A lounge area, with a bar, some pool, and of course basketball

每天你会在哪儿呆上一段时间,在浴池里。And where do you spend a lot of time everyday? In the bathroom!

淋浴一次,真的能把盥洗间变成浴池。Taking a shower really turns the bathroom into a swimming pool.

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一楼浴池,二楼旅馆饭庄,有雅座。The first floor bath, second floor hotel Fanzhuang, in private.

按摩浴池和土耳其蒸汽浴室是您忘却繁忙的生活并享受平静氛围的美妙场所。You can also warm up in the sauna or use the Turkish steam bath.

我爬进浴池,能感觉到一群黄鳝在轻咬我的身体。I climbed into the bath and I could feel the eels nibbling my body.

我可以在浴池里变一座花园。嗖!我成功了!闻起来香极了。I can make a garden in the tub. Zap! I did it! And I smell so sweet.

这个公寓有欧式厨房,瓷砖浴池、拼花地板。This apartment has a European Style Kitchen, Tile Baths, and Parquet Floors.

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这就是李隆基送给妃子杨玉环的温泉浴池。This is the hot spring bathing pool Li Longji gave his concubine Yang Yuhuan.

这华清池可不光因为是皇家浴池才出名的。The Huaqing Pool became famous not just because it was an imperial bathing pool.

然后才进入浴池洗澡,洗完澡出来,他们的身体就干净了And then finally, they would take their bath and out they would come and be clean.

该休闲俱乐部也有一个温泉浴池、桑拿浴室、蒸汽浴室和美容美发院。The leisure club also has a spa bath, sauna, steam room and hair and beauty salon.

她在浴池中又泡了一会儿,然后出来擦干了身体。She soaked a while longer in the bath before finally getting out and towelling off.

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本周的任务就是跳进一个塔希提热浴池,尽情体验当主角的滋味吧。Your mission this week is to jump into a Tahitian hot tub and experience the stars.

在地狱谷里,有一个露天温泉浴池,那里完全适合于雪猴。In Jigoku Vally, there is an outdoor hot spring bath that's just made for snow monkeys.

综合两者,你的本本可能在你跨出浴池的时候就玩完儿了。Couple the two, and your device just might be dead the next time you step out of the tub.