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第4章为实证分析。Part 4 is empirical research.

第三章是一个小样本的实证研究。The third part is a positive study.

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第四部分是实证分析。Part IV is the demonstrational analyze.

六是企业人力资本经营实证分析。The positive analysis of EHC operation.

中国式英语在沈阳机场的又一实证An example of Chinglish in the Shenyang airport

多么奇妙的一次实证啊!她大声嚷着。"What a wonderful demonstration! "she exclaimed.

这方面的实证支持更是寥寥无几。These have met with very little empirical support.

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环境避难所假说的实证充其量就是个混合体。The empirical evidence for the PHH is at best mixed.

相关的实证研究几乎空白。Related study is nearly home-school cooperation blank.

实证法学者肯定会得出不存在法律的结论。The positivist must then conclude that there is no law.

通过上述分析,再对实证结果小结。Finally, it summerizes the empirical analysis made above.

第三章,民办教育的实证分析。The third chapter is about demonstration analysis of NGE.

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“这项研究让我们已经深信的东西有了实证,”她说。"This study legitimizes what we already know, " she said.

第三章社区工作者工作压力的实证分析。Chapter 3 Analysis the community workers working pressure.

一颗营养良好的心,就是实证于法的心。A mind well-nourished is a mind well-established in dharma.

这为论文的实证研究奠下理论基础。All this lay a theoretical base for the study of this thesis.

在实证检验前,对利率时间序列的平稳性进行了分析。Before the study, stationarity of interest rates are analyzed.

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实证论与新实证论也是如此。So are the monistic doctrines of positivism and neopositivism.

采用理论建模与实证分析相结合法进行研究。The method of theory-model and example analysis were employed.

第五章“海洋生产力水平测算的实证研究”。Chapter 5, "empirical study for measuring marine productivity".