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钱财生嫌隙,朋友化仇敌。Money make friends enemy.

他们的关系很快有了嫌隙.Their relationship soon went sour.

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嫌隙发生的时间对两国来说都不合时宜。The rift comes at a bad time for both countries.

两村村民各有万人,早有嫌隙。Two villagers have ten thousand people , long rift.

这个问题给了彼得一个除去嫌隙的机会。This question gave Peter the opportunity to make things right.

由于个人嫌隙与家庭仇恨,国家大事被视同儿戏。Personal grudges and family feuds continue to make playthings of issues.

这是极重要的,因为这可以消除嫌隙,促进理解。This can be so empowering because it dismisses denial in favor of understanding.

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只要他们之间有嫌隙,他们就不克在这个项目上进行合作。As long as there is a wedge between them, they cannot work together on this project.

捐弃嫌隙当人们在一起工作时,出现伤感情、误解和口角是难免的。Get Rid of Grudges When people work together, hurt feelings, misunderstandings, and cross words are inevitable.

淡粉色的晨曦捕获到她依旧在她的露台上,睡在草地上,覆盖着一层嫌隙的露珠。The pale pink light of dawn found her still out on her terrace asleep upon the grass beneath a blanket of fine dew.

“好争辩”是指一种想要挑起纷争的的态度,会造成嫌隙,相较于友好关系。Dissentious implies an attitude of wanting to stir up differences, causing gaps in otherwise friendly relationships.

淡粉色的晨曦捕捉到她依旧在她的露台上,睡在草地上,覆盖着一层嫌隙的露珠。The pale pink light of dawn found her still out on her terrace, asleep upon the grass beneath a blanket of fine dew.

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罗马首次历经真正的奴隶叛变,但绝非最后一次,贫富的悬殊差距演成分裂嫌隙。It was the first true slave revolt against Rome, but it wouldn't be the last. The gap between rich and poor and become a gaping chasm.

19世纪英国政治家贝尔福勋爵指出,民主的最佳状况是“人民从根本上团结为一体,偶尔的拌嘴并不会使他们之间产生嫌隙”。Better positioned are “people so fundamentally at one that they can safely afford to bicker,” as Lord Balfour, a 19th-century British politician, said.

美国人阅读英译的中国诗歌时,可能会对诗人对家园的反复吟叹,还有乡愁情结感到好奇,甚至心生嫌隙。An American reader of translated Chinese poems may well be taken aback, even put off, by the frequency, as well as the sentimentality of the lament for home.

但由于这些年来,孟母与婆家之间有所嫌隙,双方一直没有往来,所以母亲把信件教给大儿子处理。But because over the years, mother meng and the husbands family have bad blood between the two sides have not been, so mother teach letters to the eldest son.

这一段生存亡死的爱情,另有那两家父母的嫌隙,把一对多情的后代杀害,演成为了今天这一本诗剧。This section of the Sang Sang stubbornly love, and the rift that two parents, one-to-many situation of the children killed, has become today's speech this drama.