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难道你们的居室无梦?Does not your house dream?

我更喜欢我们家的居室。I like our sitting-room better.

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居室越来越华丽,家庭却残缺破碎。We have fancier houses, but broken homes.

此室为马吉梅未成年孩子的居室。It's a place to live for Ma Jimei's children.

利居室、入货人民畜生。Li-bedroom, into the cargo people and beasts.

这些都具有东北寒冷地区居室的特点。It is the coldest and iciest area in the world.

四居室房屋的房租付得起。The rent for the four-roomed house is affordable.

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单居室公寓的空间是很有限的。Space is at a premium in a one-bedroomed apartment.

我想找个带独立洗手间的单居室公寓。I'm looking for a one-room apartment with separate bathroom.

我想找个带独立洗手间的单居室公寓。I'm looking for a one-room apartment with a separate bathroom.

很快两居室和一居室就卖完了。Soon the two-bedroom and one-bedroom apartments were sold out.

在乡村居室里,星期天上午照例有一翻忙乱。There is always a certain flurry in a country-house on Sunday morning.

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这个一居室的租处相当小,餐桌只能放在卧室里。The one-bedroom rental is so small the kitchen table is in the bedroom.

居室一隅巧设计,小小阳台变茶室。Bedroom corner is designed opportunely , small balcony changes teahouse.

华丽的窗幔给居室更添一种高雅的风采。A gorgeous curtain highlights the noble and elegant hearing of your room.

位于著名的温泉从一居室公寓,花园200米。Located 200 meters from the famous Spa one bedroom apartment with garden.

灯饰装璜的秘诀在于找到合乎居室的平衡点。The secret to light decorating is finding the right balance for the room.

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明亮的空间可以显得更宽敞,增加居室采光量。Bright space can appear more capacious, increase bedroom daylighting amount.

住在第九大道和第30街的大一居室里,还养了只猫。They live with a cat in a large one-bedroom on Ninth Avenue and 30th Street.

中国传统居室非常讲究空间的层次感。Traditional living room is very particular about the level of sense of space.