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ESCs对于研究遗传病很有用。ESCs are useful for studying genetic disease.

RP是一组具有高度遗传异质性的单基因遗传病。Most forms of RP are monogenic and genetic heterogenetic.

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皮窦是一种犬类的常染色体遗传病。Dermoid sinus is a genetic, autosomal skin condition in dogs.

于检查时,有甚麽遗传病需要特别注意?。Are there any inheritable deceases that require additional tests?

转位子是产生如血友病一类遗传病的一个致病因子。Transposons are one cause of genetic diseases such as haemophilia.

在约克夏梗和德国短毛指示犬中为遗传病。It is inherited in Yorkshire Terriers and German Shorthaired Pointers.

中风并非是遗传病,仅有一部分中风具有遗传倾向。Stroke is not a genetic disease, stroke only part of a genetic tendency.

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这项发现可能给我们对治疗先天病和遗传病带来新的治疗方法,并且使我们对人类的进化有一个新的认识。The findings may lead to new treatments and insights into our evolution.

不应该准许患有严重遗传病的残疾人生育。People with serious inheritable disabilities should not be allowed to reproduce.

镰状细胞贫血是由血红蛋白异常引起的一种常见遗传病。Sickle-cell anaemia is a common genetic condition due to a haemoglobin disorder.

这是一种罕见的遗传病,名为“埃莱尔-当洛综合征”。It's one of the symptoms of a rare genetic condition called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

三核苷酸重复的延展突变是导致遗传病的重要机制之一。Expansion of trinucleotide repeats represents an important type of pathogenic mutations.

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一些遗传病可能出现在多个犬种,一些可能出现在一个或者少数几个犬种上。Some genetic diseases may occur in many breeds, others occur in only one or a few breeds.

研究结果不能仅仅有趣而且必须有用,比如在遗传病方面。The results would not just be interesting but useful in areas such as heritable diseases.

枫糖尿症属于常染色体隐性遗传病。Maple tree saccharorrhea sickness belongs to the euchromosome recessive hereditary disease.

由单个基因发生突变引起的遗传病。Single-gene disorder --- A disorder due to one or a pair of mutant alleles at a single locus.

WD是神经科较为常见的常染色体隐性遗传病,其唯一致病基因为ATP7B基因。WD is a common autosomal recessive inherited neuropathy, whose only pathogenic gene is ATP7B.

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美国一个科学网站日前发布了10种最糟糕的"遗传病",青春痘和秃顶都榜上有名。A US science website has included baldness and acne in the top 10 worst hereditary conditions.

猪多能干细胞系还可以用于建立人类遗传病的模型。Pig pluripotent stem cell lines could also be used to create models for human genetic diseases.

这种病叫白斑症,是他家族的遗传病。The disease, called vitiligo, was in his family, Michael said. "It is something I cannot help."