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没有家具。No furniture.

新家具集。New furniture set.

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使用家具上光剂。Use Furniture polish.

她给家具涂上了蜡。She waxed the furniture.

他们把家具装入箱内。They boxed the furniture.

家具业也不例外。Furniture is no different.

乡亲们买了爸爸的家具。Folks buy Papa's furniture.

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我一定要买些家具。I must buy some furniture.

那个房子里有家具吗?Is that apartment furnished?

他掸掉家具上的灰尘。He dusted down the furniture.

顶尖家具让我们一起成工!Top furniture let us success!

清扫,重新布置了家具。We re-arranged the furniture.

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为了买所有的家具?Pay for all of your furniture?

她每天掸拂家具。She dusts furniture every day.

精美的家具美化了房间。Fine furniture graced the room.

注意你庭院里的家具防火。Fireproof your patio furniture.

家具及便携式水族缸。Furniture and portable aquaria.

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写格林家具公司就行了。Just make it Green's Furniture.

全国家具清算人。National Furniture Liquidators.

塑料家具-怎么不行?Plastic for furniture ,why not?