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然而,光环也能让投资者误入歧途。But halos also can lead investors astray.

他对赛马运动的酷爱使他误入歧途。His passion for horseracing carried him astray.

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她到巴黎去把误入歧途的儿子领回来。She went to Paris to bring back her errant son.

欲望,是诱惑我们误入歧途的情感。Desire. It's an emotion designed to lead us astray.

我翻阅了所做的笔记,免得记错了而使我误入歧途。I used notes lest faulty memory should lead me astray.

甚至最好的模型,也会因为错误的前提而误入歧途。Even the best model can be sidetracked by false premises.

给你颁发诺贝尔奖杯仅仅意味着你对当权者所做的的劳务获得了重视,给予你荣誉是因为你已经是一个温顺的,优良的奴才,是因为你还没误入歧途,还没有偏离前辈的轨道。Giving the Nobel prize to a person simply means that your

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这基本上是为了不让一些孩子误入歧途,让他们有事可做,It's basically get kids off the street and give them something to,

她是一个在世间误入歧途的女子。She was a woman ganging a wee bit gleed in her walk through the world.

若艺术的创新走向偏执,那无疑是矫枉过正,误入歧途。If the art of innovation goes into paranoia, then it is undoubtedly overkill.

不能对政治家说这些,否则你会愚弄他们、让他们误入歧途的。Don’t say this to politicians. You will fool them and send them on the wrong track.

他们在塔图因的沙漠里寻找被丢弃的废品和误入歧途的机器。They comb the deserts of Tatooine in search of discarded scrap and wayward mechanicals.

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虽然是很简单的资料,但是没有他们,项目很有可能误入歧途。It’s usually simple information, but without it, the project can lead down the wrong path.

这是写给那些母亲们的,她们的孩子误入歧途,母亲又不能找到合适的话来教导他们。This is for mothers whose children have gone astray, who can’t find the words to reach them.

这是完全不现实的,并且会误导孩子们的价值观和使孩子们误入歧途。It's completely unrealistic and misguided in its values and what they can accomplish in life.

误入歧途的文科随后利用雷梅特的天真获得了萨戈罗的议会密码。The devious Venco then used Reymet's naïveté to get his hands on Sagoro's Senate access code.

许多语言对于“工厂”这一概念都附有一些约定,它们会使您误入歧途。Many languages have conventions attached to the concept of "factory" that may lead you astray.

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也许,犯错也是一种诱惑,总要曾经误入歧途,才会重上正轨。Perhaps the fault is a temptation to always have gone astray, will be back on the right track.

经济学家误入歧途将经济的升降同开支扯上关系。To attribute the rise and fall of the economy to their spending puts the relationship backward.

当你感到受挫的时候,你会不会失去信心,自暴自弃而误入歧途呢?Will you lose self-confidence, give yourself up as hopeless and go astray when you feel defeated?