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抓一把而知全袋,窥一斑以见全豹。You may know by a handful the whole sack.

要是坐晚一斑的火车能使你不迟到麽?Would a later train get you to work on time?

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牵一发而动全身观一斑而见全豹。Pull one hair and move watch one spot all over and see whole picture.

这点可通过中古英国城市契约窥见一斑。It is a fine example of contract civilization of medieval England's boroughs.

美国父亲受尊重程度的升高可从他们的花销上窥见一斑。One measure of growing respect for U.S. fathers is seen at the cash register.

北大的人文和历史可以从遍布燕园的雕像中窥得一斑…The statues on campus reveal a tip of the iceberg of the university's culture and history.

这亦可从马克斯·韦伯和罗素等西方大家的论著中窥见一斑。This is also revealed in the works of some great thinkers like Max Weber and Bertrand Russell.

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社会这些变化所产生的影响可以从要求的货品和服务中窥见一斑。The effect of these social trends can be seen in the sorts of goods and services being demanded.

修复的文物,使我们对1912年大英帝国主导、阶级分化的世界得窥一斑。The recovered artefacts offer a glimpse in to the class ridden, imperial-dominated world of 1912.

从对经师生活的研究当中,我们可以窥得两汉私学教育的一斑。Therefore, it is useful to research the private education in Han dynasty through the living of Jinshi.

腾冲是中国西南最古老、最大的商埠,这从它的历史沿革及经营规模上可窥一斑。Tengchong is a prosperous commercial city in the Southwest of China, noted for its long history and scale.

没有各依赖关系的整合视图,各组件所有者只能管中窥豹,只见一斑。Without a consolidated view of each dependency, each component owner sees only a small piece of the whole.

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我们通过他可以对德国现代建筑思想的源流和德国现代建筑运动的发展窥见一斑。Throughhis life we might have a look at the source anddevelopment of Germanic Modern Architectureand Thought.

通过电视广告中所产生的大量性别歧视现象就可窥见一斑。In some native TV advertisements, however, the problem of sex discrimination has still been shown more or less.

汪青城家庭教育是清代徽商家庭教育的范例,通过解剖可以窥见徽商家庭教育之一斑。His family education is an example for our analysis and a better understanding Huizhou merchants' family education.

侗族对女性的独特审美意识在“萨”文化中可窥一斑而见全豹。The Dong minority melts to the feminine unique esthetic consciousness in grandmother culture may very good manifest.

并力图通过对“济南市的工商业社会主义改造研究”这一斑,来略窥“建国初期的工商业社会主义改造”之全貌。And it's a shortcut to research the "socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce in early statehood".

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中国企业家在创建私营市场体系中取得的成功,可以从一些显著的数据中窥见一斑。The success of China’s entrepreneurs in creating the institutions of private markets is told by some remarkable statistics.

追寻先民的“舞影”,使我们略见丰富多彩的各民族舞蹈之一斑。In tracing the dances of Chinese ancestors, there is a glimpse of colorful folk dances among Chinese minority nationalities.

我们菩提树专栏的记者就没那么幸运了,靠近景洪时,在他还为觑得景洪大坝一斑时,神经兮兮的警察强令他走开。Banyan had less luck. Near Jinghong nervous policemen ordered him to leg it before he got so much as a glimpse of the structure.