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老沙头嘴角挂出一丝苦涩的笑纹,摇了摇头。The old man shook his head with a wry smile.

每一个皱纹和笑纹都是富有代价的。Every wrinkle and laugh line has been well-earned.

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嘴巴下面那些白色的花纹,很像一个人脸上的笑纹。Mouth below the white patterns, much like a person face smile.

我妈妈和我长得很像,除了她短短的头发和笑纹。My mom looks like me, except with short hair and laugusth lines.

我妈妈和我长得很像,除了她短短的头发和笑纹。My mom looks like meand except with short hair a veryd laugusth lines.

但是如同脸上的笑纹和人的智慧,人对盐的敏感度是趋向于随年龄的增加而增加的。But like laugh lines and wisdom, salt sensitivity tends to increase with age.

在小丑的微笑笑纹在黑暗的化妆将复制希斯莱杰看看。Laugh lines across Joker's smile in dark makeup will replicate Heath Ledger's look.

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Notarbartolo微微地点头微笑,笑纹在他蓝色的眼睛周围荡漾开来。Notarbartolo nods and smiles faintly, the laugh lines crinkling around his blue eyes.

它所含有的蜂皇浆成分也确实减少了我的笑纹和眉头纹。I can even tell the royal jelly component has plumped up my laugh creases and brow furrow.

我会永远记得,在卓悦的这段快乐的日子,因为在这里长多了好几条笑纹。I will always remember these happy days in Zhuoyue, because here more than a good few laugh lines long.

当他们这么做的时候,男子高傲的唇边泛过一丝笑意,仿佛鸟儿的翅膀轻点水面,荡起丝丝笑纹。As they did so, a little smile touched his proud lips, as a bird's wing touches the water and makes it laugh.

他们的笑脸看上去舒适生动,满脸都是笑纹,舒服得就像你最喜爱的一张长沙发椅。Their smiling faces looked comfortably lived in, creased in all the right places, much like a favorite couch.

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超强抗衰去皱,对所有表情纹,如笑纹,鱼尾纹,八字纹等有持续,稳定,明显功效。Super anti aging and wrinkle products, aims to face line such as laugh line, crow's-feet, eight character line.

例如,一个人总是笑就会产生笑纹,别人就能看出这个人生活挺幸福的。For example, someone who smiles a lot may develop lines and muscles that are suggestive of someone who is happy.

微风扫我的脸,天气酷冷,但我的骨头,眼泪滚下来笑纹。The breeze brushed my cheek, the cool weather but chilled me to the bone, the tears rolled down my cheeks again.

改变头发的颜色为红褐色,加眼镜,我的鼻子轻微的灯泡,一些笑纹,我很满意。Change the hair color to reddish brown, add glasses, a slight bulb to my nose, a few laugh lines, and I'm satisfied.

我甚至找到由杰克。科兰创建的笑纹,在那你可以一个星期开怀大笑两次。I've even discovered a laughter line created by Jackie Curran which you can call twice a week for a good belly laugh.

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这家日本潮流商店正在出售一种叫做“脸部内衣”的仪器,据说可以帮助减少笑纹,这种皱纹会随着年龄增长愈发明显。Japan Trend Shop are selling a 'face bra' that promises to help fight the smile lines that grow more prominently with age.

我知道谁是一个女人更美丽,她现在比十年前,她当时是惊人的,因为她的眼睛周围的笑纹。I know a woman who is more beautiful now than she was ten years ago—and she was stunning then—because of the laugh lines around her eyes.

换句话说,如果你的伴侣富有幽默感而且感经常大笑,那他/她也许会在其嘴角周围长出“笑纹”——而你也会。In other words, if your partner has a good sense of humor and laughs a lot, he or she will probably develop laugh lines around their mouth — and so will you.