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其一是信任。One is trust.

他们信任我们。They trust us.

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你是否信任我?If you trust me?

我们不信任任何人。We trust no one.

我不信任血检检测。I don't trust it.

信任他人,但别忘了核实。Trust, but verify.

我也很信任他。I really trust him.

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你可以被信任。You can be trusted.

国王很信任他。The King trusted him.

我完全信任他。I trust him completely.

这是一个神圣的信任。This is a sacred trust.

我不信任你,爵士。I do not trust you, ser.

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我完全信任他。I trusted him completely.

信任是件易碎品。Trust is a fragile thing.

我想要保有这份信任。I want to keep that trust.

他想要信任和真诚。He wants trust and honesty.

信任应当是相互的。We should trust each other.

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对得起人民的信任。Be worthy of people's trust.

他辜负了我对他的信任。He betrayed my trust in him.

我信任我的好朋友。I believe on my good friend.