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我以为我们已经把这件事情说开了。I thought we were putting this behind us.

鸠山说开咖啡厅是他自己的点子。Hatoyama said he came up with the idea himself.

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她连自行车都不会骑,更别说开小汽车了。She can't ride a bicycle,let alone drive a car.

杰姬和赛琳由于事情说开了,心结也解开了。Jackie and SaiLin because things open, drew also solved.

她坐下后就说开了,忘了她到那的目的。She sat and talked, and so she forgot what she was there for.

让他说话不难,难的是说开了止不住他!It is not hard to get him talking. The problem is stopping him.

把事情说开是解决问题的好方法,你想把它说开吗?。Talking things over is a good way to solve problem. Do you wish to talk it over?

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他们的使金诗作可以说开南宋使金文学之先河。Mission poems can be regarded as the beginning of mission poems of Southern Song Dynasty.

无论你的另一半是否将之付诸实践,话已经说开。Whether your partner is ready to take your fantasy into action or not, the conversation has begun.

于是幼儿七嘴八舌地说开了,这个问“老师,为什么你一笔画出的墨有深有浅呀?”Bork, bork, bork child care that was opened, the question of "teacher, why do you draw a deep ink you have a light?"

很多人都说开了春再买车,可是从个人观点来看,现在才是买车的最好时间。In my opinion, it is the best time to buy a car right now instead of the conventional idea of buying a car after spring.

金鼠外婆问我为什么回国的时候没有说开博客的事,我的回答就是---都是时差惹的祸!Jinshu Waipo asked me why did not mention about my Blong when I was home last month, my answer is---it is all because of time zone.

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突然他没头没脑他说开了—起初有点儿杂乱无章,后来越来越清楚,雄辩、有力。Suddenly, apropos of nothing at all, he begins to talk – disconnectedly at first, and then more and more clearly, emphatically, resolutely.

把问题说开了之后,广濑决定不再计较过去,他只希望能把握好他和理衣的幸福。The problem after the talks, komi hirose decided to no longer care about the past, he only hope to be able to grasp him and talked to happiness.

来,让我们总结并罗列一下老公们容易犯下的“恶行”吧,说开了,也许更容易往下吞了呢。Come, let us summarize and list what her husband are susceptible to committing the "evil" as well, said that he had, perhaps easier to swallow it down.

百分之六十以上的回答了发表在英国医学杂志上的调查的医生说开安慰剂在道德上是允许的。More than 60 percent of the doctors who answered the survey published in the British Medical Journal said that prescribing a placebo is ethically permissible.

“他给我安排了一个长三个月的计划,”她说,“我记得刚开始两个星期我每星期去一次,吃下他们说开的所有草药和维生素。”"He put me on a three month plan, " she said. "I think the first two weeks I went in twice a week and was taking all the herbs and vitamins they were suggesting.