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这样他在身心两方面都成长起来。Thus he grew in body and soul.

将身心与肢干铺于床面,仅此享味。Lying on it, just enjoy the taste.

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让你的身心都能好好休息下。Rest both your mind and your body.

是的,它导致有害身心的业力。Yes, it leads to unwholesome karma.

健康有助于身心的安宁。Health administers to peace of mind.

我们喜欢沐浴在阳光中放松身心。We like to sit in the sun and relax.

善加照顾你的身心。Take good care of your body and mind.

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整个早晨让他身心疲惫。The entire morning was unnerving him.

我感觉身心受创伤而随即离开。I left the room feeling very insulted.

没空暇时间旅游松弛身心?Don't have the time to travel and relax?

但得了疑病症确实可以瘫痪一个人的身心。But being a hypochondriac can be crippling.

让他们吮吸吧——放开身心快乐于此,女士。Let them suckle -- and do enjoy it, ladies.

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奈何又有多少人身心雪亮知其因?But how many people know and discerning for?

我要用上身心的爱来迎接今天。I will greet this day with love in my heart.

我们身心都需要悉心照料。Our mind and bodies need to be taken care of.

籍着观察它们于你身心内外的影响。By watching their influence in you and on you.

看了爱米丽亚的信,他身心麻木空虚。Amelia's letter had fallen as a blank upon him.

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要学会身心放松,瑜伽是一种有效的锻炼方法。Yoga is a good discipline for leaming to relax.

你的感觉是身心单薄乏力。You feel stretched thin, stressed-out, drained.

沫沫,我爱你,真真正正、完全全、身心的爱你。You have always been my one and only true love.