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这是纯羊毛的吗?Is this pure wool?

我有一条羊毛围巾。I have a wooly scarf.

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糙米率“是由羊毛。"Brr" is made of wool.

印度羊毛与毛织品。Wool & Woollens of India.

你们有羊毛短袜吗?Do you have socks in wool?

他做羊毛买卖。He's in the wool business.

毛线衣由羊毛制成。Sweaters are made of wool.

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我供给羊毛。我咩咩叫。I give wool. I say "baa. ""

我在学习梳理羊毛。I'm learning to tease wool.

纯羊毛的,很软。It's pure wool , very soft.

未梳的羊毛。Wool, not carded or combed.

羊毛是最坏的倒出物。Fleece is the worst shedder.

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羊为我们提供羊毛。Sheep provides us with wool.

这是纯羊毛的毛衣。This is a pure wool sweater.

这件羊毛套衫你穿很合身。This pullover fits you well.

她的外套是用羊毛编织成的。Her coat was woven from wool.

它的羊毛白如雪。Its fleece is white as snowy.

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我们从羊身上得到羊毛。We can get wool out of sheep.

她递给我一绞羊毛线。She passed me a skein of wool.

用最细的羊毛织一条长袍。A gown made of the finest wool.