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她是胆囊炎开刀。She had been operated on cholecystitis.

糜烂性胃炎,胆囊炎怎么治疗?。Erosion sex gastritis, how is cholecystitis treated?

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胆囊炎和胆结石的症状是怎么样的。?The symptom of cholecystitis and gall-stone is how. ?

胆囊炎、胆结石、脂肪肝的发病率占前三位。Gall bladder, gallstone and fatty liver were the main diseases.

也可引起腹膜炎、胆囊炎、阑尾炎等。Can also cause peritonitis, cholecystitis, appendicitis, and so on.

目的探讨急性胆囊炎的治疗方法。Objective To study the appropriate treatments in acute cholecystitis.

急性胆囊炎也可以引起局部反应性淋巴结病。Acute cholecystitis may also result in local reactive lymphadenopathy.

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目的探讨老年型胆囊炎合并胆石症的临床特点及手术治疗效果。Aim To explore the clinical characters of senile cholelithiasis and cholecystitis.

进一步为熊胆粉用于临床治疗胆结石、胆囊炎提供了实验依据。This conclusion confirms bear bile's treatment on cholelithiasis and cholecystitis.

我认为张先生是急性胆囊炎,可能还有胆管炎,胆囊结石。I think Mr. Zhang has acute cholecystitis, maybe cholangitis, and gallbladder stone.

目的探讨肝动脉栓塞后发生胆囊炎的原因。Objective To investigate the causes of cholecystitis after hepatic artery embolization.

抱歉,这种疼痛与急性胆囊炎的表现一致。黄疸说明炎症已经累及胆总管或胆总。I am sorry. This kind pain consistents with the pain of acute cholecystitis. Your jaundice.

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分析320例急性胆囊炎患者的治疗过程及结果。Methods analysis the management processes and results of 320 patients with acute cholecystitis.

超声内镜引导下FNA能否鉴别胆囊癌与黄色肉芽肿性胆囊炎?Can EUS-guided FNA distinguish between gallbladder cancer and xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis?

目的探讨萎缩性胆囊炎并颈部结石的治疗方法。Objective To study the treatment of atrophic cholecystitis with stones in the neck of cholecyst.

目的探讨慢性胆囊炎与各种心理社会因素的相关性。Objective To explore the relationship between the psychosocial factors and chronic cholecystitis.

目的探讨术后急性胆囊炎的病因、诊断方法和治疗。Objective To investigate the causes, diagnosis and treatment of postoperative acute cholecystitis.

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结论胆囊炎、胆石病的发生与HBV乙肝病毒感染有明显的相关关系。Conclusion There is a clear correlation between the cholecystitis cholelithiasis and HBV infection.

以肝胆扫描诊断急性胆石性胆囊炎出现伪阴性报告的机会并不高。False-negative results of hepatobiliary scans for the diagnosis of acute calculous cholecystitis are rare.

目的探讨飞行员慢性胆囊炎与各种心理社会因素的相关性。Objective To explore the relationship between the psychosocial factors and chronic cholecystitis in pilots.