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那些酒客茶客是不知道的。Never will guests in the bar or teahouse know.

更专注的茶客或许会带来私人的茶叶。The more dedicated drinkers may even bring along their personal urn of tea leaves.

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游船在浩瀚的湖面上缓缓划动,在岛屿之间运载着笑容满面的茶客们。Pleasure boats flow at a slow pace across the vastness, carrying smiling tea drinking parties among the islands.

那么对于这些“懒惰”的茶客来说,光给人家一杯试泡茶就想让他心甘情愿的掏出银子那是不大可能的,更不用说把他变成忠诚的顾客了。For these casual tea drinkers, simply tasting your tea may not be enough to make the sale, much less establish loyalty.

在平日,总会有一两个不很懂事的少年,找几句俏皮话来拿这样的茶客取取笑,今天没有一个出声的。Usually one or two green youngsters would have cracked some joke to make fun of such a customer, but today none of them said a word.

锡兰茶业的使命是提供一个独特的混合有益健康的成分,以满足挑剔的茶客的个人喜好。Ceylon Teas' mission is to offer a distinct blend of wholesome ingredients to satisfy the individual preferences of discerning tea drinkers.

茶客们从看上去已经八十好几的老人到带着孩子的小两口,还有各种中年人,什么年纪的都有。People in the tea house were of all ages – some seemingly well into their eighties, others young couples with children, and then everything in between.

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大运河沿线的小镇上,茶馆遍布,茶客如蚁,每天清晨,江南水乡的风情韵致就在这袅袅的水烟中迷醉般展开。A small town along the Grand Canal, teahouses all over, patrons, such as ants, each morning, Jiangnan style Yunzhi of the hookah in the curl of intoxication-like start.

唐大爷的这段往事,是分水的茶客你一言我一语传开的,不知泸县志里有没有记载,但唐大爷是离休干部这件事,却一点也不假。The story was spread by customers at the teahouse in Fenshui. I don't know if it's in the annals of Luzhou, but it's absolutely true that Mr. Tang retired as a veteran cadre.

午前的茶客让他忙个不停,因为越近中午,茶馆的客人越是年轻有钱,一些带着呼叫机的生意人,所穿的皮鞋需要搽个光亮。The late-morning customers keep him busy, because as the day passes the clientele becomes younger and wealthier, businessmen with beepers and leather shoes that need to be shined.

哪怕是天气阴沉的下雨天也阻挡不了这些忠实的茶客,他们仍然会来到茶馆,伴着耳畔雨打屋檐的劈啪声,享受一壶中意的好茶。Even a rainy overcast day doesn’t stop the tea drinking faithful from coming out and enjoying their favorite tea while listening to the pitter patter of the rain on the roof of the tea house.