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但在思考了这些以后,我确实可以言之凿凿地肯定我现在不会选择购买一幅海报了。But having thought about all this, I do know I'm sure as hell not buying one now.

即使还没有言之凿凿的证据,英国和美国已经试图说是阿萨德干的了。The British and America are already trying to say Assad did this even though the evidence is not set in stone.

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此外,还有一种言之凿凿的说法认为,雪利酒与历史上曾一度统治西班牙的摩尔人有着极为密切的关系。In addition, still have a kind of apropos say, sherry and history to once ruled Spain moor has a very close relationship.

英国首相戈登•布朗言之凿凿,号召抵制“借贷国内化和金融市场国内化的倒退。”Gordon Brown, Britain’s prime minister, preached against a “retreat into domestic lending and domestic financial markets”.

人们交头接耳,言之凿凿地说,半夜三更听见顶楼楼梯上有脚步声下来,还在宅子里四处巡游呢。It was whisperingly asserted that footsteps, in the dead of night, HAD been heard descending the garret stairs, and patrolling the house.

在一个炎热的夏日午后,纽曼拉着水管来到天台,用凉水给屋顶冲了20分钟,并言之凿凿地说,这样可以降低室内温度。On hot afternoons, Mr. Newman runs a hose to the roof and douses the shingles for 20 minutes, which he swears lowers the temperature inside.

这则谣言也如同志村健的那样言之凿凿,还说高仓健死的地点是纽约男朋友家中。This rumor, like comrades of the village of Kin, as with certainty, said Ken Takakura is the place of the dead boyfriend's home in New York.

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罗伯特在峰会的录像中言之凿凿地预测了未来的低迷前景,其间穿插播放的画面则充斥着奥巴马以及身着清洁工作服和快餐店服装的老人。In the video of the summit, Robert enunciates dire predictions between shots of Obama and elderly people wearing janitor and fast food uniforms.

每年的这个时候,“革新式”饮食书籍就充斥着整个市场,书上都言之凿凿说生活可以借此永久改善——是的,就在10到30天内!“Revolutionary” diet books flood the market this time of year, promising a life changed permanently and for the better — yes, in just 10 to 30 days!

过去是我们给出的释义,我们努力摆脱他,摆脱他的阴影,言之凿凿,但摆脱的唯一途径是添以更美之景。The past is our definition, we may strive which could be the reason to escape it, or escape what is bad in it. But we will escape only by adding something better to it.

言之凿凿的性别歧视的控告,恶劣监狱环境的指控和其他的一些冤假错案都毫无根据的按例驳回了。Well-founded sex-discrimination claims, challenges to cruel prison conditions and other lawsuits involving wronged human beings are routinely being rejected without basis.

昨日一早,爆料网友言之凿凿地称,当时马伊琍第一次出嫁并未走红,但结婚时接新娘放鞭炮的大张旗鼓“小区里很多人都亲眼目睹”。Yesterday morning, the netizen with certainty that, when Ma Yili first married was not popular, but married the bride put firecracker put up a pageantry" area where a lot of people witnessed".