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因此我们需要解释什么是股份公司。So we need toexplain what a corporation is.

私有股份公司通常特别依赖若干明星。Private-equity firms rely heavily on a few stars.

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股份公司制使得大型企业成为可能。Corporations make large-scale enterprises possible.

在1989年格拉默股份公司成为一家控股公司。In 1989, Grammer Corporation became a holding company.

巴林1981年成立股份公司作为巴林。Batelco established in 1981 as a Bahraini Shareholding Company.

对于经营股份公司来说,也有一些不利的因素。There are also some disadvantages toorganizing as a corporation.

大型股份公司可能会有成千上万的股东。Major corporations may have hundredsof thousands of shareholders.

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大型股份公司的股东分布在全球各地。The stockholders of large corporationsare scattered around the globe.

天然气巨头"俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司"在本月设宴庆祝其成立15周年,梅德韦杰夫作为该公司的董事长出席了宴会。This month the gas giant Gazprom threw a party for its 15th anniversary.

几乎所有大型和中型的商业组织都是以股份公司的形式运作的。Almost all large and medium-sizedbusinesses are organized as corporations.

因为股份公司是一个独立的法律主体,它必须单独地缴纳税收。Because thecorporation is a separate legal entity, it is taxed separately.

巴德公司是德国蒂森克虏伯股份公司在美国的一家全资子公司。The Budd Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp AG of Germany.

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例如,如果股份公司有“已发行的股份”会意味着什么?For example, What does it mean to say that a corporation has “issued shares”?

每个股份公司都是由持有公司股份的股东所拥有。In each case the firm is owned by stockholders who hold shares in the business.

据说俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司正极力劝说波兰签署一项长期天然气合同。Gazprom is now said to be sweet-talking the Poles into a long-term gas contract.

介绍了宝钢股份公司在节水工作中的实践。The practice of water saving work of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. is presented.

出于很多法律目的,股份公司被认为是国家的居民。For many legal purposes, the corporation is considered as a resident of itsstate.

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以股份公司的形式,商业组织能够吸引到更广泛、更多样的投资者。By organizing as a corporation, abusiness can attract a wide variety of investors.

如高好股份公司的财务管理,已成为广大财务人员在工作中面临的新课题。How to build the fund control of Ltd, has become to a new topic of financial staff.

需要筹集资金的股份公司不必非得寻求本地的银行来贷款。A corporation that needs to raise cash doesn’t have toborrow from its hometown bank.