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别那么缩手缩脚的,说说你到底是什么意思。Stop pussyfooting around and say what you mean.

工作你尽管大胆去干,别缩手缩脚的。Be bold in doing your work and don't be overcautious.

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如果你想成为一名画家,你就不要缩手缩脚地不敢下笔。Don't nibble at your picture if you want to be a painter.

谁喝葡萄酒的人大多是那些缩手缩脚。Who drink the grape wine are mostly those overcautious people.

越是缩手缩脚,我们就完蛋得越快!The more shilly-shally we are, the more quickly we are going to be finished off!

在其他企业由于惊恐而缩手缩脚时,他们冷静地纵观全局并发现机会。They looked coolly around and found opportunities while others were too terrified to make big moves.

按我当时的年纪,当然不会因为要对一只什么动物下死手而缩手缩脚,但我确实没有杀过大象,连这样的念头也从不曾有过。At that age I was not squeamish about killing animals, but I had never shot an elephant and never wanted to.

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我们都有能力去做好事情,但是我们却害怕,怕做不好而缩手缩脚,也就失去了许多机会。We have the ability to do good, but we are afraid, do not be afraid and timid , they lost a lot of opportunities.

不要由于羞涩而缩手缩脚。生命就是一场实验。你试验的越多,就做得越好。Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.

他说,他认为贝南克从日本吸取的教训是,在重振经济方面不该缩手缩脚。Mr. Sheets said he believed the lesson Mr. Bernanke learned from Japan was that he shouldn't be timid in efforts to revive the economy.

很多美国人无法获得任何形式的信贷,担心自己会失业,并且因为要偿还债务而缩手缩脚.Many Americans are unable to tap any form of credit, fear they will be laid off from their jobs and are hunkering down, paying off debt.

如果你身边的人都是些消极低落、缩手缩脚之徒,那你就应该找些积极、成功的人为伴。If you are constantly around people who are negative and limiting, find other people to hang out with. Get around positive, successful people.

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想想很容易便适应了这里的寒冷,在一开始的几天缩手缩脚之后,便满世界的跑,对这。Want to very lightly and then accustom to the chill here, behind several days in the beginning are sheepish, running of then full earth, to this.

看他们缩手缩脚的样子,就知道这些人形僵尸十分棘手,如果因此得到自由行动的权利,就再好不过了。See them timid appearance, know these people form Jiang the corpse is very tough, if consequently get the right that the backpacking moves, again good however.

罗伊希望能够在和新主NESV交流后获得可用于转会市场的资金,而他也有信心球队不会在1月因为钱的问题而变得缩手缩脚。The boss is hopeful of having money to spend following discussions with new owners NESV, but he is determined the Reds won't be held to ransom in the transfer market.

她动作优雅,即使在最冷的天气里也不缩手缩脚,而在阿肯色州的夏日里,她似乎又有属于自己的微风环绕在她的身旁,给她带来凉爽。She had the grace of control to appear warm in the coldest weather, and one the Arkansas summer days it seemed she had a private breeze which swirled around, cooling her.

Pre的逻辑电路板要比iPhone的小许多,这令人印象十分深刻,考虑到享有盛誉的苹果工程师们在硬件占地上是如何的缩手缩脚。The Pre logic board is substantially smaller than the iPhone logic board, which is very impressive considering how renowned Apple’s engineers are for shrinking hardware footprints.

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然后她翻了个身,咕哝了几声儿语,而且开始舞动胳膊腿儿,就像是一个菜鸟缩手缩脚爬过潜伏着恐怖分子的战场那样。Then she rolled onto her tummy, gave an itty-bitty-baby-grunt, and began pumping her arms and legs like an army recruit crawling across a war-torn field in which terrorist forces lurked.