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你把我的衬衣都溅湿了。You sketted my shirt.

我的衬衣全缝好了吗?Is my shirt sewn down?

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衬衣降价出售。The shirts are on sale.

把你的衬衣镶上花边。Hem your shirt with lace.

一根刺儿挂着了我的衬衣。Stick a hook on the wall.

这个衬衣有皱纹的。This shirt is so wrinkly.

褐色的伐木工式样的衬衣。The brown lumberjack shirt.

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这件衬衣是洗后不用熨的。This a wash-and-wear shirt.

所以我要穿上超级衬衣。So I put on the super shirt.

这件衬衣对我来说太大了。This shirt is too big for me.

他的衬衣上有一条细长裂缝。And his shirt had a long slit.

要妈妈帮你换衬衣吗?Want Mom to change your shirt?

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一根刺儿挂着了我的衬衣。My shirt got hooked on a thorn.

这种衬衣耐洗。This kind of shirt washes well.

这件衬衣是棉制的。This shirt is made from cotton.

把你衬衣上的面包屑掸掉。Dust the crumbs from your shirt.

我很喜欢这个衬衣的花边。I love the ruffles on the shirt.

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请把我的衬衣领浆硬。Starch my shirt's collar, please.

别聊天了,衬衣都烫焦了!Stop talking, the shirt scorches!

女孩的衬衣衣领饰有花边。The girl's shirt collar is laced.