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这是个无懈可击的观点。This is an unexceptionable comment.

我们的记录无懈可击。We enjoyed a spotlessly clean record.

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无懈可击之高手如林天过完,不会再来。one day, has not been able again to come.

法官的职业道德必须是无懈可击的。A judge's ethics should be unexceptionable.

他证明自己是无懈可击的,事实上不可触摸的。He's proven himself unassailable and indeed untouchable.

辛普森先生原来就是一位无懈可击的体面人物。Mr Sympson proved to be a man of spotless respectability.

当标普指数位于1281点时,我的逻辑可谓无懈可击。My logic was impeccable back when the S&P traded at 1281.

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只要他在那他的立场就无懈可击。So long as he stayed there his position was unassailable.

可以说,他是混战中的一个无懈可击的侏儒。He might have been called the invulnerable dwarf of the fray.

然而,这篇论文的作者认为自己的发现无懈可击。The authors of last weeks paper, however, defend their findings.

总而言之,这个被创造出来的新世界无论在视觉和听觉上都是无懈可击的。The creation of new worlds is absolute, both visually and aurally.

没有漏洞,他是一个像亚里士多德一样无懈可击的逻辑学家。There is no loophole, he is as perfect a logician as any Aristotle.

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萨克斯无懈可击的分析,并不止步于推导和建议。Jeff's hardheaded analysis does not stop at why and how to do all this.

如果你的意见能“盛住水”,那么就没有死角无懈可击。If your argument can hold water, it is strong and does not have any holes.

为有在膝盖下方长袜破的一个洞影响了她无懈可击的整洁。Only a snag down the knee of her tights leavens her impenetrable neatness.

在剩下的竞选活动的演讲中,我把这个无懈可击的逻辑加了进去。I added his impeccable logic to my stump speech for the rest of the campaign.

这份提议简单而直接,其公平也无懈可击。The proposition is simple and straightforward, and its equities unassailable.

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使用云母电影作为甲板节省的重量,很容易申请,是无懈可击。Using mica film as decking saves weight, is easy to apply, and is watertight.

尽管出生顺序影响的理论似乎是很坚固,但它并非无懈可击。The birth-order effect, for all its seeming robustness, is not indestructible.

它的概念模糊而不可测试,但却自视为公理而无懈可击。Its concepts are woolly and untestable yet are regarded as unassailable axioms.