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没有个QTL检测的量程下限可塑性。No QTLs were detected for plasticity of LRL.

最后给出了光纤陀螺对转台角速率测试的下限。And the minimum angular rate of the test was given.

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研制开发了极限分析下限解有限元程序。The procedure of the finite-element method of lower bound.

为什么要下调空腹血糖受损的下限切点?。Lowering the cut-point for impaired fasting glucose, and why?

是在该技术的规模下限在水车轮。At the bottom end of the technology scale are the water-wheels.

招股价下限和每股资产净值相若。The bottom of the range is close to the company's net asset value.

白天时的下限是孔径的8到10倍。During the day the lower limit is about 8 to 10 times the aperture.

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在实际使用中,望远镜有上限和下限放大率。There are practical upper and lower limits of power for telescopes.

如果给这些资产的价格定个下限,那可能会比较吸引人.If they put a floor on these assets, it might be something attractive.

价格下限应定高于均衡价格,才能有效。To be effective, price floor should be set above the equilibrium price.

在指定子区域上限值时,上界值小于它的下限值。The lower bound of the subrange must not be greater than the upper bound.

介绍了三维塑性极限分析下限法的基本原理。This paper describes the lower bound theory of 3-D plastic limit analysis.

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过冷是一种可调灯,可予以回绝下限和上限。Supercool is an adjustable lamp that can be wedged between floor and ceiling.

给它一个下限和一个上限,在这个例子中就是0到。It says, given a low and a high range, 9 in this case it would be zero to nine.

带有星号标志的项目超出了无振动设计的保守下限。Items with asterisk exceed a conservative lower limit for vibration-free design.

监管报备显示,在3月9日,这一持仓已经低于必须披露的下限了。The stake fell below the reporting threshold on March 9, regulatory filings show.

最好情况下,周日的计划会对经济放缓设定一个下限,但不能阻止它。At best, Sunday's plan will help put a floor under the slowdown, but it won't stop it.

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结论利用CCP可精确、无创地测定人类脑血流自动调节下限。Conclusion The lower limit of cerebral autoregulation can be determined by CCP exactly.

晚上时望远镜放大率的下限是其孔径的3到4倍。The lower limit of power is between 3 to 4 times the aperture of the telescope at night.

屈服膜厚是弹流润滑膜的下限。The yield thickness is the lower limit of elastohydrodynamic lubrication film thickness.