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他感一种离乡背井告别亲人的忧伤,他望了望屋角的稿件。He looked at the manuscripts in the corner.

这些士兵离乡背井,而且时常好几个月都没拿到薪俸。These soldiers were far away from home and often weren't paid for months.

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伯恩赛德出生于苏格兰,1965年便离乡背井,直到1995年返乡定居。Born in Scotland, he moved away in 1965, returning to settle there in 1995.

联合国难民署的代表格铎说,绝大多数的索马里人不愿离乡背井。UNHCR Representative Geddo says most Somalis are reluctant to uproot themselves.

离乡背井到异地求学或工作,租房子是常有的经验。It is usually seen that people rent a house when studying or working away from home.

贸易者靠让日子过得尽可能舒服来忍受离乡背井的隔离。The traders endured their isolation and exile by making it as comfortable as possible.

他们千方百计为因洪水而离乡背井的难民们重建新家园。They tried every way possible to reestablish the refugees uprooted by flood in new homes.

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杰佛逊还说,"这些印尼妇女离乡背井到马来西亚赚取生计。"Indonesian women are leaving everything behind to make a living in Malaysia," added Jefferson.

离乡背井的人儿在中秋之夜,又是那漫长思念之路上的一个灯火通明的驿站。Homeless people in the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, is also the long missing on a brightly lit.

离乡背井激发了他们的想象力,养分的吸取并非通过根部,而是通过其无根性。Their imaginations were fed by exile, nourishment drawn not through roots, but through rootlessness.

战争中我们为谋取财富而离乡背井,前途叵测。In war we must always leave room for strokes of fortune, and accidents that cannot be foreseen – Polybius.

比这更悲惨的是她30多年离乡背井,被迫流亡国外。Sharper even than this sadness was the fact that, for more than 30 years, she was an exile from her homeland.

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好几千人被迫离乡背井,许多学校被民兵占据。Many thousands of people have been forced out of their homes and many schools have been taken over by militia.

离乡背井者被隔绝在贫民窟中,对此,某些当地居民将其称为“集中营”。The displaced have been sequestered in shantytowns that some residents reportedly describe as concentration camps.

他离乡背井800英里来做这个工作,让他老婆独自在家里生养第三个孩子。He has left his family and come 800 miles to take this job, leaving his wife to give birth alone to their third child.

然而,尽管小珍珠身旁有纪母陪着,离乡背井的孤单,以及马不停蹄的行程,让小珍珠感到疲倦。However, despite ji mother accompany beside the little pearl, left alone, and on schedule, let little pearl feel tired.

然而,这可得是个非常巨大的经济复苏,才能吸引半数库克岛那些远渡重洋离乡背井的人回家。It would, however, require a truly epic economic renaissance to tempt back even half the Cook Islands' far-flung diaspora.

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带你的照相机、设录影机去晚会捕捉一些见证我们离乡背井一起在圣路易这个前瞻大镇拓荒、札根的瞬间妙影。Bring your camera and camcorder to capture the important moments of our settlement in St. Louis, the great town for looking forward.

为了赚取更高的工资,许多农村教会的年轻信徒也纷纷离乡背井到城市打工,却未参与任何教会。Rural churches have lost many of their young people and church workers alike as millions have left for higher paying jobs in the cities.

外籍劳工因离乡背井,在与其母国不同的生活与工作环境下可能产生的健康问题及健康需求,都是不容忽略的。Due to different culture and environment, foreign labors may have some health problems, and all these problems are needed to be concerned.