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另一种捷径是美联储再度出山.Another quick fix would see the Fed step in -- again.

这不正说明太阳出山时离我们近吗?Doesn't this show that the sun is nearer to us at noon?

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二娘不愿死,奶奶将她撵出山门。ErNian dont want to die, grandma to her out of the gate.

根据这篇文章所言,前拳王又出山了。According to this article, the former boxing champ is going to try again.

击乐,歌唱,舞动,融合出山海翻腾的和平乐章。Percussion, singing, dancing, composes to the peaceful melody of mountains and seas.

加利西亚教练在1987年重新出山,并帮助球队避免了降到丙级联赛。The Galician coach returned in 1987 and saved the squad from the relegation to Segunda B.

佩罗重新出山之际,我们终于与老布什的竞选团队就辩论达成了协议。As Perot was getting back in, we finally reached an agreement with the Bush people on debates.

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已经成功开发出山奇小区和金竹苑等大型成熟社区。Qi has been successfully developed Chushan area and the Zhuyuan and other large mature community.

终于,学有所成的高尼出山后,开始了老千生涯。Eventually, after the Gao Ni that learns to be become somewhat gives mountain, began old 1000 career.

只有当你走出山来,脱下你的靴子,登山活动才算最终结束。P296 Only when you step off the mountain and take your boots off for the last time is the climb over.

1787年,他被请出山主持在费城举行的宪法大会。But he was called out of retirement to preside at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 at Philadelphia.

据悉,巴乔在电话中向足协主席阿贝特表达了自己愿意出山的意向。And the former playmaker gave his availability to FA chief Giancarlo Abete during an informal phone call.

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甚至有人猜测奥巴马的另一位支持者亿万富翁投资家巴菲特是否会出山。Some wonder if there may even be a role for another Obama supporter, the billionaire investor Warren Buffett.

你们俩小跑出几步,然后跳跃,跨出山的区域,方向由飞行员和风向来掌控。The two of you take a few running steps and leap into the void, at which point the pilot and the wind take over.

刚刚出山的太阳的侧向照明构成了挺立在河畔的柏树后面的神秘阴影。The side lighting provided by the newly risen sun created mysterious shadows behind the stand of riverside cypress.

长期掌管麦当劳的吉姆•坎塔卢普退休之后重新出山,并任命斯金纳为副主席。Long-time McDonald's man Jim Cantalupo came out of retirement to run the company and elevated Skinner to vice chairman.

藤井裕久的出山可能会安抚投资者,他们传统上一直支持长期执政的自民党。Mr. Fujii's presence may soothe investors, who traditionally have supported the longtime ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

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这雪一直下了两天两夜,把山路全覆盖了,兄弟二人果然没法出山。It had snowed for two days and all the pathways were covered with snow. As a result the brothers couldn't find way going back.

直到2009年9月7日,罗宾·吉布和巴里·吉布才决定重新出山,比吉斯因此重组后再次登场了。On 7th September 2009, Robin Gibb revealed that he and Barry Gibb had agreed that the Bee Gees would reform and perform again.

阿克巴晚年虽然身体欠佳,但还是重新出山,离开了他在蒙卡拉马里星球赫基漂浮城的家。In his later years, as he body began to fail him, Ackbar came out retirement from his home at the Heurkea Floating City on Mon Calamari.