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我痛恨罪恶。I hate sin.

我痛恨这一点。I hate this.

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我们痛恨战争。We hate war.

你们也痛恨它。You hated it.

我痛恨跳舞。I abominate dancing.

他痛恨卢瑟福。And he hated Roosevelt.

别做你痛恨的事情。Don't do what you hate.

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你痛恨苹果的文化。You hate Apple culture.

我痛恨铺张浪费。I hate waste and excess.

他们好像痛恨接缝。They seem to hate seams.

法律总是痛恨迟延。The law always abhors delay.

抱歉John,我痛恨这一点。I'm sorry, John, I hate this.

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我痛恨他拍马屁的恭维。I hate his smarmy compliments.

她承认痛恨这个老板。She confessed hating the boss.

我痛恨像这样的“老色鬼”。I hate dirty old men like that.

我痛恨他的独断作风。I resent his dictatorial manner.

现在,我的团队和我都痛恨那些盲目模仿的节目。Now, my team and I hate copycats.

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我痛恨丢弃正在工作的代码。I hate to throw away working code.

她痛恨地看著他。She looked at him with abhorrence.

这是一个痛恨苹果的理由吗?Is this a goodreason to hate Apple?