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她们每个人都有厌食症。Each of whom had been diagnosed anorexic.

别再想这减肥了.如果你继续这么做,你会得厌食症的.Sorry, I don’t get it. What are you doing?

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神经性厌食症是一种心身障碍。Anorexia is one of the psychosomatic disorders.

她正患有厌食症,内科也有问题。She was battling anorexia and had medical issues.

网络处理器片非常适合性厌食症患者。NPU tablets are well suited for anorexia patients.

很显然你不可能成为一名顶尖运动员,同时又是个厌食症病人。Obviously, you can’t be a top athlete andbe anorexic.

我们有一个伟大的名单数千品种厌食症。We have a great list with thousands assortments of anorexia.

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患有厌食症和食欲过盛的人处于骨质流失的风险中。People who have anorexia or bulimia are at risk of bone loss.

有厌食症或暴食症的女性更倾向于描绘嘴部。The mouth was more emphasized by women with anorexia or bulimia.

我过去是一个厌食症患者,在这些年里我一直都觉得自己是一个怪物。I sent many years being anorexic and feeling like I was a monster.

贪食症与厌食症大体相同,每66.67名女性中有一人死于此病,而每200名男性中才有一人被确诊患有此种疾病。women and 1 in 200 men have ever been diagnosed with the disorder.

即使作为厌食症患者,我也知道这样很糟糕,我必须做些什么了。Even as an anorexic I knew this was bad, and I had to do something.

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神经性厌食症是饥饿的一种形式,它对少女有影响。Anorexia nervosa, a form of starvation, may affect adolescent girls.

神经性厌食症,也似乎是顺应间隙性治疗。Anorexia nervosa also appears to be responsive to treatment with IPT.

人们可能在任何年纪患上厌食症,这实在是让人醍醐灌顶。It was quite a realisation that people could develop anorexia at any age.

这两类厌食症都会发生过度使用食欲抑制剂或节食丸这种情况。The excess use of appetite suppressants or diet pills is seen in both types.

当一个有厌食症的女孩照镜子时,她会觉得自己很胖。When a girl with anorexia looks in a mirror she sees herself as fat or obese.

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社会上,为了变苗条厌食症和贪食症越来越普遍。Anorexia and bulimia become normal in a society that is striving to be slender.

“是我们全家在和厌食症抗争,”她的父亲菲利补充道,它是一个超市经理。‘It’s you against the anorexia, ’ adds her father, Phil, a supermarket manager.

需要指出的是女主角奥利弗也许是第一个厌食症患者。Also, it should be pointed out that Olive Oyl was the first anorexic sex symbol.