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我的热度没有吓坏你吗?Does not my heat astound you.

电动机有时候热度过高。The motor overheats sometimes.

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你认为尘雾是由热度所造成的吗?Do you think haze is caused by heat?

只有热度才能使壶响。The pot should only smile with heat.

吹火使热度加强。Blowing on fire intensifies the heat.

温暖舒适的热度感觉好极了。The warm, comfortable heat felt good.

体温表量出她有热度。She registered fever on the thermometer.

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这种热度和湿度会减轻皮肤的干燥度。This heat and humidityimproves skin dryness.

你可以用一个慢火炉来保持热食物的热度。You can use a slow cooker to keep the hot foods hot.

像这种模糊的目标通常是三分钟热度。A vague goal like this is generally pretty half-hearted.

在这个天体犯罪现场,热度和化学物质是重要的证据。In this cosmic crime scene, it's all about heat and chemistry.

进口欠热度及系统压力作为变化参数。Inlet subcooling and system pressure are varied as parameters.

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阳光的热度和紫外线会杀死水中的任何有害物。the sun's heat and ultraviolet rays will kill anything inside.

到了星期三她的热度发到了103华氏度,腿疼得难以忍受。By Wednesday her fever was 103 and the leg pain was unbearable.

很多事情我都是三分钟热度。所以要是哪天我又不去考了。千万别问我为什么。I hate people asking me for details. Cuz I don't even know why.

SUPERNOVA是一款充气式灯具,只产生柔和的热度。SUPERNOVA is an inflatable light that produces soft ambient glow.

“他人”都睡熟了,只有他们两个呼吸着同一种热度。The “others” were asleep, while they both breathed the same fever.

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虽然热度和湿度都有影响,但人们能够适应。Yet as challenging as heat and humidity are, people can acclimate.

当热度在一个系统中保持一致时,熵就变增加。Entrophy increases as the heat becomes the same all through a system.

同时,试着改变姿势和诉诸热度来缓解它。In the meantime, try changing positions and suing heat to relieve it.