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他没有机会上场。He has no chance.

什么时候第一次上场检验?Il primo test sul campo?

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你也许明天会看到他上场。Maybe you will see him tomorrow.

费南多知道他为什么不能上场。Fernando knows why he was left out.

教练让史密斯上场,换下了钟斯。The coach substituted Smith for Jones.

我在博格坎普的告别赛上上场了两分钟。I got two minutes in the Bergkamp game.

她在第二幕时才上场。She doesn't go on until the second act.

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这次是双方各上场两人的比赛。This is a two-person-a-side competition.

小丑上场表演许多滑稽动作。The clown came on with many antic gestures.

利物浦队在中场休息后让候补队员上场比赛。Liverpool brought on their sub AT half-time.

队长决定派汤姆上场为后卫。The captain decided to play Tom at fullback.

苏亚雷斯会不会戴着脚蹼和通气管上场踢球?Will Suarez be playing in flippers and snorkel.

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但愿兰德里将恢复回来,准备上场。Hopefully Landry will be back and ready to role.

这个星期天,我们家举行了一次电脑打字比赛。爸爸第一个上场。A typing match was held in my family this Sunday.

所以特里和库迪奇尼仍将无法上场。So there is still no John Terry or Carlo Cudicini.

沃顿将继续和拉德马诺维奇分享上场时间。Walton will continue to split time with Radmanovic.

在下半场,他派了出色的左中卫上场。He started his ace left halfback on the second half.

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我上场参加了那场对NEK队的足球赛。I sported in the football match againt the NEK Team.

而且所有的首发球员甚至都没有在第四节上场。And all the starters did not even have to play in 4Q.

所以,现在,作为玛丽的好大哥,是该我上场的时候了。So, being the good big-brother, I decided to step in.