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告诉俺,这玩样儿是咋转弯滴?Tell me, how does it turn ?

行、行。汤米过来!你可别再扮傻样儿啦。Certainly. Here Tommy! You stop acting the fool.

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不要拿我的衣袖来说吧,瞧,就是这个样儿!Don't judge by me—the sleeves nowadays are like this!

最后,如果你有孩子,那就让他们有个孩子样儿吧!And last, if you have children, let them be childlike.

该项规划中所有的房屋样儿都差不多。The styles of all the houses in this program are similar.

这两支笔样儿差不多,色儿不一样。These two pens are alike except that they're different colours.

我是说,看比尔·盖茨卸任后,微软的股票跌成啥样儿了吧。I mean look what happened to Microsoft shares after Bill Gatesleft!

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侍臣说。“我从来就没有想到它是那么一副样儿!你们看它是多么平凡啊!I never imagined it would be a little, plain, simple thing like that.

他的签名仅仅是胡乱写的字,但只有他才能写出这个样儿。His signature was just a squiggle but only he could make that squiggle.

但是最初的鲸豚脖子以下究竟长什麽样儿,仍然是个谜。Still, what the earliest whales looked like from the neck down was a mystery.

瞧他们那个样儿!自从上季度赢得奖杯以来,他们一直得意洋洋。Look at them, it's sails up with them ever since they won the Cup last season.

她能坐在那给小克唱童谣唱上一个小时不带重样儿的。She can just sit there and sings children's songs to Chloe for like an hour without repeating.

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侍臣说。「我从来就没有想到它是那麽一副样儿!你们看它是多麽平凡啊!" said the lord-in-waiting, "I never imagined it would be a little, plain, simple thing like that.

“你变了个样儿了,”伽弗洛什说,“你丑得好一点了,你应当老装上这玩意儿才是。”"That changes you, " remarked Gavroche, "you are less homely so, you ought to keep them on all the time. "

然而,当探员们兴师动众地突袭他所在的公寓时,他却以一副我已在此恭候多时的得瑟样儿津津有味地啃着一盒甜甜圈。agents’ cellphones in the area, he cheekily had a box of doughnuts waiting for them when they raided his apartment.

如果谁将这个不悦的玩样儿脸上的布掀开,那它会因为一种病态的好奇而心感满足。If anyone lift the cloth from the face of that unpleasant thing it will be in gratification of a mere morbid curiosity.

如果他真的是那么先进的超级机器人,他干吗要把自己变成这副破烂样儿?If he's supposed to be like this super advanced robot why does he keep transforming back into this piece of crap Camero ?

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为了告诉她的小孙女山楂是啥样儿,她用孙女丢弃的粉笔开始画画。To tell her little granddaughter what hawthorns look like, she began to draw with the crayons the little girl had discarded.

他始终稳住身子,不摇不晃地,直到那高高的顶枝上----小心翼翼地,往上爬,那全神贯注的样儿,就像,把一杯水倒满,满到了杯口,甚至满过了边缘。He always kept his poise to the top branches, climbing carefully with the same pains you use to fill a cup up to the brim, and even above the brim.

难道学其他海鸥的样儿这么难,乔?低飞是鹈鹕和信天翁的事,你学这干什么?你干吗不吃点儿?孩子,你都瘦得皮包骨头了!Why is it so hard to be like the rest of the flock, Jon? Why can't you leave low flying to the pelicans, the albatross? Why don't you eat? Son, you're bone and feathers!