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桑迪相当高。Sandy's quite tall.

ush相当受欢迎,Rush's quite popular

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相当高兴见到你,汤姆。Nice to see you, Tom.

它是相当的贵啊!It is hella expensive!

这是相当简单的。This is pretty simple.

你知道,相当好。You know, fairly well.

他看来相当消沈。He looks rather dashed.

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他的发球相当棒。His serve is fantastic.

这是相当令人着迷的。It's quite fascinating.

香肠是相当美味的。Sausage is pretty tasty.

那,现在就是相当老的车了。So, it's pretty old now.

你的回答已经相当正确。And you’d be quite right.

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他是一个相当好的演员。He is quite a good actor.

我的身体相当结实。I am a fairly strong man.

它是一幅相当漂亮的画。It's quite a nice imagin.

我家相当穷。My family is pretty poor.

她是相当地才貌双全。She was a total knockout.

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意为这女孩的个头相当高。She's a pretty tall girl.

学术气氛会相当好So that's a good climate.

甚至中音也相当好。Even the midrange is good!