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如果今天你想去见你的真爱的话,那就捎带着我最美好的祝福吧!Well if you are meeting to your true love today, convey my best wishes!

为什么不能是一个纯粹的,不捎带无用且难看的手提盒的粉色掌上游戏机?Why can't it simply be a pink PSP, sans the rag and ugly carrying case?

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为什么不能是一个纯粹的,不捎带无用且难看的手提盒的粉色掌上游戏机?Why can’t it simply be a pink PSP, sans the rag and ugly carrying case?

你上邮局的话,捎带给我买几张纪念邮票。If you happen to be going to the post office, please get me some commemorative stamps.

如果想拾草打兔子,捎带的,我们不反对。If think ten grasses beat the rabbit, the convenience takes of, we has no objection to.

下次独自去逛街的时候,给你的爱侣也捎带上一些“惊喜礼物".Next time you are shopping alone, get a couple of little "surprise gifts" for your partner.

为增加节日的气氛,他们常捎带一种特制的蛋糕,叫省亲蛋糕。A special cake, called the mothering cake, was often brought along to provide a festive touch4.

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旅行时站在路旁希望过路车捎带是不安全的。It's not safe to travel by standing at the road side hoping to be picked up by passing motorists.

协议采用随机预约和捎带预约结合,按需分配和自由分配结合来实现的。It adopted combined random and piggy-backed reservation, combined demand assignment and free assignment.

她还捎带了几个支持程序,比如清扫3.0版,烹调1.5版和买单4.2版。Wife 1.0 comes with several support programs, such as Clean and Sweep 3.0 , Cook It 1.5 ! and Do Bills 4.2.

而且,就在我们刚要到家的时候,它差点儿把我们的马棚给踢倒了,还捎带把我妈的那匹老公马草莓也踢了个半死。And just before we got home, he’d about kicked the stable down and half-killed Strawberry, Ma’s old stallion.

他对下面的丹麦挥了挥手,也捎带了德国北部的一部分,然后他来到了一座闪闪发光的大门前。He waves at Denmark below, and parts of northern Germany, and then eventually he arrives at a shining gateway.

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我只顺便捎带一个女孩,她还是我的敌人,可碰巧她还是我的工业项目研究的一个成员。I had given lift only to one girl who was my enemy but by default she was a member of my industrial project study.

利用全向天线的特点,协议控制帧捎带路由信息,使邻居节点获知节点间路由状态。Using omni-directional antenna, the control frame tagged with the routing information can be sensed by the neighboring nodes.

很可能这就是预期目标。至于我得以和茱莉、芒偍、佩姬、马克还有黛碧一一密谈,那只是捎带的优惠罢了。Perhaps that was the purpose. The conversations with Julia, with Monty, with Peg, with Mark and Debbie, those were fringe benefits.

这是一个没有风的下午,这是我在南湖的身侧,悄悄的想念着你,风中所捎带的爱的气息,你听到了吗?This one windy a afternoon, this I in south body side of lake, miss you silently, the breath of the love incidentally in the wind, have you heard?

更为让人震动的是最近这一轮的幸福也捎带上了上一轮里还只是个看客,作为新兴市场的中国。Much more striking, however, is that the latest round of euphoria involves emerging markets that were mere spectators during the last one, above all China.

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该协议将进程在运行过程中的状态分为三种,并使用捎带消息技术和非阻塞的方法,减少了用于协同的控制消息的数量。This protocol classifies the state of process into three kind, uses piggybacking messages and non-blocking, and reduces the number of syncronizing messages.

很多便利店都靠近、有时甚至就在地下道或地铁车站里,这样乘客在回家的时候就很容易进入一个商店捎带一顿便餐。Many are near, or sometimes even inside, underground and railway stations, making it easy for commuters to pop into a store to grab a meal on their way home.

事后,检查员随即对严先生进行询问,该男子一直强调这是帮朋友捎带的东西,自己并不知情。Subsequently, the inspector was asked to carry out Mr. Yan, the man has been stressed that this is incidentally a friend to help things that he did not know.