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鸡足莲花山金刚塔座受持梵网经菩萨心地法门品。Receiving the heart of brahma net sutra in jizulutos mountain.

塔座周围有砖雕歌舞伎,是辽代砖雕艺术的珍品。Tazuo surrounded by brick Kabuki is a Liao Dynasty brick art treasures.

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卡法克斯塔座落在牛津市中心卡法克斯的西北角。Carfax Tower is situated at the northwest corner of Carfax, which is regarded as the city centre of Oxford.

西安电视塔的装修改造,要求在塔楼、塔座增设部分钢梁、钢柱,而工程结构由于使用不当或任意改建引起的事故经常发生。When reconstructing Xi an TV tower, steel beams and columns will be added at the top and base of the tower.

当维修结束,组件将按相反的顺序吊起并安装回塔座。Once the repairs were completed, the components were lifted and installed back on the tower in the opposite order.

从塔座到塔顶共有1711级阶梯,现已安装电梯,故十分方便。From pillar base to the top of the tower a total of 1711 steps, the lift has been installed, it is very convenient.

铁塔为八角形楼阁式佛塔,现为12层,塔高15.8米,由塔身、塔座两部分组成。The tower is octagonal pavilion-style pagoda, is now the 12 layer, 15.8 meters high tower, the tower, the two part.

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藏传佛教的灵塔式样基本相同,通常由塔座、塔瓶、塔刹三部分组成。Tibetan Buddhism is basically the same as dedicated to style, it is not uncommon Tazuo, bottle tower, Tasha of three parts.

除了第三层平台没有缝隙外,其他部分全是透空的。从塔座到塔顶共有1711级阶梯,现已安装电梯,故十分方便。It is very convenient for visitors to enjoy the sceneries, as 1711 steps of the tower are all fixed with elevator from base to summit.

藉由上述刀柄安装于刀塔座上,可以简化加工程序,使数控车床加工具有更高的效率。As the handle is installed on the knife tower seat, machining program can be simplified, and the numerically controlled lathe and tools have high efficiency.

塔座雕刻仙鹤、麒麟、花卉等图案,素雅大方,并镌死者姓名、生卒年月、师传等简历。Tazuo crane sculpture, unicorn, flowers and other patterns , Plain Jane generous, and Juan deceased name, birth date , the division-such as curriculum vitae.