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掂量了一下邮件的重量。He weighed the mail in his hand.

他在心中掂量着这个想法。He weighed the ideas in his mind.

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她说每一句话都要仔细掂量。She pondered her words thoroughly.

你会掂量每一个字的分量You might weigh every word on a scale

捡起一个蛤壳,在手里掂量一下它有多重。Pick up a clamshell and weigh it in your hand.

他反复掂量着那三位议员所说的话是否可靠。He tried to assess the veracity of the three legislators.

看来,这事只能我自己掂量着办了。It seems that I have to consider how to deal with this matter myself.

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这就会迫使你仔细掂量一下你购买的每一件食品的价钱。This forces you to carefully weigh up the price of everything you buy.

布什打破了自己的传统,也掂量了自己所犯的错误。Bush then broke with his own tradition and weighed in on some mistakes.

一旦你明白你正在抱怨,那么停止然后仔细掂量这种情感。When you recognize that you’re complaining, stop and take notice of it.

市场需要掂量他经济团队的斤两,听听他的计划。Markets needed to size up his economic team and hear what he planned to do.

他看见一束光芒下,有只小羊在岩柱上,正用脚掂量一株菖蒲。He saw in a shaft of light a lamb on a pinnacle, balancing a flag on its foot.

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铁匠朝那个体格健壮的士兵瞥了一眼,在心里掂量了一番后,便嘟嘟囔囔地走开了。The blacksmith averaged the stalwart soldier, with a glance, and went muttering away.

食物在一个独立的塑料或玻璃的来收集掂量的容器里。The food is insidethea separate container of plastic or glass that traps heat energy.

作为教育部长的阿恩•邓肯,理解各州都掂量着每一分钱。Arne Duncan, the education secretary, understands that states are watching every penny.

掂量一下经济情况,这一计划搁浅了,只能呆在宿舍。Weigh up the economic situation, the plan ran aground, and can only stay in dormitories.

⊙、都说小三是贱货,但却忘了掂量被夺走的那个男人是否真心爱你。All say small three is a bitch, but forget whether be taken from the man really love you.

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都说小三是贱货,但却忘了掂量被夺走的那个男人是否真心爱你。Said the mistress is a bitch, but forget what has been taken from the man really loves you.

但是它一定要掂量一下对日本的“胜利”是否让自己获利。But it must be debatable whether its “victory” over Japan has really furthered its own interests.

在亚洲市场,美元走势略强,这是因为市场一直在掂量美国总统换届将带来的影响。The Usd was slightly stronger in Asian session, as markets ponder the effect of a change of US regime.