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当一对新婚燕尔互相微笑,人们都知道为什么。When a newly married couple smiles, everyone knows why.

那就为新婚燕尔的奥多姆顶替他首发铺平了道路。That would pave the way for newlywed Odom to start in his place.

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“新婚燕尔”几个字常写在汽车后的行李箱上或后玻璃窗上。The words "Just Married" are painted on the trunk or back window.

戒指上特制了这对新婚燕尔的微型照片。Inside the ring there are tinyphotographic portraits of the couple.

“新婚燕尔”几个字常写在汽车后的行李箱上或后玻璃窗上。The words "Just Married" are often painted on the trunk or back window.

罐头盒常被拴在汽车的保险杠上,“新婚燕尔”几个字被喷涂在汽车的行李箱或后玻璃窗上。Tincans are often tied to the bumper. The words "Just Married" are painted on the trunk or back window.

回想下你们新婚燕尔或刚在一起的时候你为他/她做过什么,再做一次吧。Do something for your partner that you did when you were newlyweds or first got together. Make a special meal.

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这对新婚燕尔的夫妻随即陷入到这个充满欲望、迷乱与复仇的黑暗曲折的故事之中。The newlyweds become entangled in desire, obsession, and revenge in a story containing many dark twists and turns.

我们已经有一段时间没有关注这对新婚燕尔的夫妇了,对于这迟来的新屋展示我们表示抱歉。We haven't checked in on the newlyweds for a while, so we apologize for the delay in showing Lamar and Khloe's new house.

1929年,新婚燕尔的维克多和莉赛尔·兰道尔聘用了雷内·冯·阿伯特来设计他们的住所,后来它成为了现代主义派建筑的杰作。In 1929, newlyweds Viktor and Liesel Landauer employ Rainer von Abt to design them a house that becomes a masterpiece of modernist architecture.

每个人都很乐于见到新婚燕尔,这类活动给了你一个见证所爱的人聚集一堂享受快乐时光的机会。Everybody loves to see the newlyweds and these kind of affairs give you a chance to see everyone whom you love around you together in one place having a good time.

他们彼此用身体紧紧贴着对方,威廉的臀部自然地靠近凯瑟琳,由此可见两人的深厚感情和新婚燕尔的激情。Pressing their bodies next to one another along the length of their torsos, with William’s hip literally pushing into her, their affection and passion is palpable.

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在这样一个寒冷的日子里,计划一次浪漫的双人旅行来传情达意,无论是热恋中的情侣,或是新婚燕尔的小夫妻,都能感受彼此的浓情暖意。On such a cold day, plan a romantic double travel to convey feeling, whether madly in love the sweethearts, or newlyweds husband-and-wife, can feel each other's deep warm meaning.

不过这并非是一次普通的婚礼,这对新婚燕尔其实是两只被溺爱有加的宠物犬,它们的这场婚礼造价到达2000英镑。But this was no ordinary wedding. The happy couple were two pampered dogs who were married in a ceremony in the grounds of a mansion in Bradwell-on-Sea, Essex, costing an extraordinary ?20, 000.