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他甚至被喝倒彩。He even got booed.

观众向那个演员喝倒彩。The audience hooted the actor.

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他唱得实在太糟糕了,观众向他喝倒彩。He sang so badly that the audience booed him.

他们在会上不断地喝倒彩。They barracked the speaker during the meeting.

Barrack"在英语中有喝倒彩的意思。"Barrack" could mean booing somebody in English.

演员忘了台词,观众开始喝倒彩。The audience hissed when the actor forgot his lines.

不要害怕被人喝倒彩,这是成功的关键。Don't be afraid of cat calls, that's the key to success.

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观众大喝倒彩,将那位不受欢迎的演员撵下了舞台。The audience shouted down the unpopular actress off the stage.

无论他的表演有多糟糕,你都不应该给他喝倒彩。No matter how poorly he acts, you should never give him cat calls.

观众们不断发嘘声,喝倒彩,羞得演员赶快溜下舞台。The audience hooted until the performer fled the stage in disgrace.

看上去我们似乎是在为主队喝彩助威,而对客队却喝倒彩起哄。It seems as if we were barracking for home team as against the visiting team.

愤怒的马丁。约尔没有批评球迷们队球员喝倒彩的行为。An angry Martin Jol did not blame supporters for booing his players after this defeat.

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去年秋天有多少准备高唱欢呼“MVP”的球迷在公开场合朝着布莱恩特喝倒彩?How many of the fans who'll be chanting "MVP! " booed Bryant on opening night last fall?

每当我要站在镜头前我就会紧张起来。看来我永远不能克服被喝倒彩的恐惧。Right before I go on camera, I tense up. It's like I never got over my fear of being laughed at.

伏地魔问,虽然他的声音很小,但它清楚地引发了喝倒彩的嘘声和嘲笑。Asked Voldemort, and though his voice was quiet, it carried clearly through the catcalls and jeers.

很多人对这个计划喝倒彩,从南太平洋,在那里高卢人在他的旅途中准备计划。Distant thunder greeted this scheme, from the south Pacific, where de Gaulle on his travels sent orders to prepare proposals.

示威者要求偿还拖欠他们的工资,还对市长喝倒彩让他知道他们没钱买吃的。The protesters have demanded their unpaid salaries, and have barracked the mayor, telling him they have no money to buy food.

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他们接受的培训包括,什么时候应该喝彩,以及为什么不应该对其他国家的队伍喝倒彩,尤其对那些曾经的敌对国家。They have been taught when to roar their approval and why not to boo other athletes, especially those from formerly enemy countries.

他们为这位共和党的参选人鼓掌,好像不再关注他在在亚利桑那提到奥巴马时观众喝倒彩的情形。They applaud the Republican candidate and don't seem too concerned when his mentions of Mr Obama elicit boos from the audience in Arizona.

不论布什原本的表现如何,与对照组相比,喝倒彩的一组学生给布什打分低,而另一组则打分高。Jeering drove down each candidate's ratings and cheering boosted them compared with a control group, regardless of the subjects' initial preference.