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你的籍贯是?What is your native place?

你的籍贯是什么地方?Where is your native place?

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我们是否都拥有双重籍贯?。Do we all hold dual citizenship?

你的籍贯是哪里?我的家乡是江苏。Where is your hometown? My hometown is Jiangsu.

你的籍贯是哪里?Where is your domicile place?My domicile place is Nanjing.

其实,黄道婆的籍贯也不排除是海南人的可能。Though, the possibility of Huang Daopo as a Hainanese cannot be refused.

我哥却连他的籍贯和历史都没有问。My brother did not even ask him from what country he came, nor what was his history.

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除了这些选手的籍贯,其它的历史或背景几乎不着一字。Not much history or background on the contestants beyond where in China they were born.

高启是明初最著名的诗人,其字号、籍贯和家族成员是研究其生平的基础资料。His name, birth place and family members are the basic resources to study his whole life.

在某些情况下,广告商可查看这些用户的姓名、年龄、籍贯和职业等个人信息。In some cases, advertisers were able to view these users’ names, ages, hometowns and occupations.

也可以包含其他各种个人信息,包括籍贯、习惯,等等。This can also contain a variety of other personal information, including origin, hobbies, and so on.

但其中关于张继籍贯南阳之说,笔者不敢苟同。That says but among them about that the native place succeeding is Nan Yang City, the author begs to differ.

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本森籍贯苏格兰,1964年为拍摄披头士首次巡演来到美国,就再也没有离开。The Scottish-born Benson came to the U.S. to cover the Beatles' first American tour in 1964 -- and never left.

陈欣心,本名陈毓美,一九四七年生,籍贯福建省晋江县泉州人。Chen Xinxin, originally named Chen Youmei, born in Jinjiang County, Quanzhou City, Fujiang Province, P. R. China in 1947.

五发起人姓名、籍贯、住居所、履历及认股金额。Names, native places, home addresses and curriculum vitae of each promoter and the amount of shares subscribed by each promoter.

关于罗贯中之籍贯,以山西太原说与山东东平说之争论最为激烈。The dispute about the birthplace of Luo Guanzhong has been focused on Taiyuan of Shanxi province and Dongping of Shandong province.

年龄60岁以下的都可以报名,身高体重籍贯不限,可提供英语培训和专业培训。You can apply if you are under 60, no limitation for height, weight, and nationality, we can provide English and professional training.

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“我的计划是尽快打破那个纪录,”籍贯伦敦的特鲁格利亚最近在电话里说道,“无论他从多高的地方跳下来,我都能跳得比他更高。”“My plan is to take that record as soon as possible, ” Truglia, a native of London, said by phone recently. “Whatever he does I can beat.”

该情节体现出一种讽刺,那就是,籍贯美国男性在公共场合比女性说话多,但在家里,他们很少说话。This episode crystallizes the irony that, although American men tend to talk more than women in public situations, they rarely talk at home.

首先,借助史料的记载和项斯诗歌内容,确定项斯的籍贯,推论其生平经历。First, determines his hometown and inferences in his life experiences through studying historical records and items of the poems of Xiang Si.