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我在吮吸你。I was sucking you.

不要吮吸得太过!Don't Suck too Hard!

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蜜蜂曾经吮吸你的琼浆。The bee that once did suck thee.

他们疲倦的吮吸着小圆石。They wearily sucked their pebbles.

我们的宝宝喜欢吮吸她的小拳头。Our baby liked sucking her small fist.

我吮吸出一只兔子的痛苦,嘶哑而细弱的痛苦。I sucked the throaty thin woe of a rabbit

让他们吮吸吧——放开身心快乐于此,女士。Let them suckle -- and do enjoy it, ladies.

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包括吮吸,咀嚼等活动。Everything is sucking and chewing and so on.

因为他们感兴趣程度越高,吮吸的速度会越快。The more interested, the faster they suckled.

它们应用了一种吮吸的方法And what they did was they used a sucking method.

轻轻地温柔地吮吸或者轻咬对方的嘴唇。Gently suck or nibble on their lips here and there.

我们用吸管戳过银色的薄瓶盖慢慢吮吸。We'd push our straws through the silver caps and suck.

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去吮吸那旋花植物令人心花怒放的毒汁。The flower plants suck to spin Is the gall of be elated.

他刚出生的时候不会吮吸,只能用勺子喂他将奶送进去。When he was born, he can't suck, he was suckled with spoon.

每个学生都把手指伸入混合液,然后吮吸了一下。Each student dipped a finger into the mixture and sucked it.

吮吸脚既用于来回走动,也用作为嗅觉器官。These are used both for moving about and as organs of smell.

我伸出双手,随后它们试探性地吮吸着我的手指。I extended my hands, and they tentatively suckled at my fingers.

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恢复小时候的行为,比如尿床、吮吸手指。Revert to younger behavior such as bed wetting and thumb sucking.

吮吸拇指可能会妨碍恒牙的正常生长。It could interfere with the correct development of permanent teeth.

相较于听到法语,俄罗斯的儿童则在听到俄语时,会更加用力的吮吸Russian kids sucked harder to hear Russian than they did to French.