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说明着什么?Explain what?

我来说明事实。I state facts.

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那又能说明什么?What does that prove?

这很难精确说明。Hard to say precisely.

为每个操作创建一行说明。Create a line for each.

让我再说明一下,那是一个一般性的思路。That's the general idea.

试举一例来说明。One example to illustrate.

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这流言说明有假。The rumor proved fwoulsse.

他为什么不对她说明呢?Why did he not tell her so?

你能够说明白点吗?Are you able to say clearly?

让我们举例说明此方法。Let us illustrate this idea.

阅读用法说明。Read the directions for use.

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但这些线索又说明什么呢?But what do these clues mean?

这里是易趣网说明。Here are Ebay's instructions.

请就你的观点详加说明。Please elaborate your points.

他并没有详细说明是什么事。He didn't specify the matters.

这一点我后面再作说明。I shall explain that later on.

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说明如下。The explanation is as follows.

这说明磨砂一定是可溶于水的。They must be soluble in water.

这个页面是自我说明。This page is self-explanatory.