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它又称为随意肌或骨骼肌。It also called involuntary muscle or skeletal muscle.

运送眼睛及各500克的肝脏和骨骼肌。Ship the eyes and 500g each of liver and skeletal muscle.

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食管上段有明显的骨骼肌。The upper third of the esophagus is marked by skeletal muscle.

骨骼肌肉谷氨酰胺浓度的主站点。Skeletal muscles are the primary sites of glutamine concentration.

类固醇肌病大鼠模型的建立及其骨骼肌病变的形态学研究。Foundation of rat steroid myopathy model and its myopathological study.

骨骼肌纤维的类型和比率对产肉动物的肉质有重要意义。The type of skeletal muscle fiber and ratio are important for meat quality.

而对白色脂肪组织和骨骼肌中UCP3基因表达无明显影响。UCP3 gene expression was not influenced in WAT and skeletal muscle by fasting.

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存在于骨骼肌、心肌和平滑肌中的一种可收缩纤维。One of the contractile elements in skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle fibers.

非恶性肿瘤之骨骼肌肉疼痛的问题在西方国家逐渐增加。Non-malignant musculoskeletal pain is an increasing problem in western countries.

另外,铁缺失还会影响循环系统和骨骼肌的功能。Iron deficiency also influences on circulation system and skeleton muscle function.

附属的骨骼肌被浸润性癌累犯,直接扩散。The attached skeletal muscle is involved by invasive carcinoma by direct extension.

研究选取8块在抓举过程中具有代表性的浅层骨骼肌做同步肌电测量。The authors choose 8 representative skeletal muscles in the sports of squat snatch.

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结论TWP具有直接增强EAMG动物骨骼肌兴奋收缩的效应。Conclusion TWP has direct remedial effect on the activity of skeletal muscle of EAMG.

此研究拟对运动与骨骼肌血红素加氧酶系统作以综述。This article aims to summarize exercise and the skeletal muscle heme oxygenase system.

分离培养小鼠心肌细胞与骨骼肌成肌细胞。Mouse cardiomyocytes and skeletal muscle myoblasts were isolated and cultured in vitro.

取左胫前肌标本分别作骨骼肌肌细胞ATP测定。Left anterior tibialis muscle was harvested to measure ATP in the skeletal muscle cells.

有三个主要的蛋白质弥补收缩机制,骨骼肌。There are three main proteins that make up the contractile mechanism in skeletal muscle.

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目的研究肌形成蛋白在人体失神经骨骼肌中的表达规律。Objective To investigate the expression of myogenin in denervated human skeletal muscles.

然后麻醉状态下无菌留取下肢骨骼肌组织标本,置消毒的冻存管中,液氮保存待测。Skeletal muscle of hind legs was collected in sterile tube and stored in liquid nitrogen.

目的研究电刺激对失神经支配骨骼肌萎缩的影响。Objective To study the influence of the electric stimulation on denervated muscle atrophy.