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我喜欢这些巴士巡回之旅。I loved those bus tours.

我也可以当一个巡回乐队管理员。I could even be a roadie.

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甲板上保持防火巡回检查。Have fire patrols on deck.

郑秀文世界巡回演唱会。Touch. Mi. World. Tour. Live.

按巡回路线进行检讨。Make a walk-around inspection.

她在巡回电影队工作。She is on a mobile cinema team.

机舱保持防火巡回检查。Have fire patrols in engine room.

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按巡回路线进行检查。Make a walk-around inspection. e!

生活区保持防火巡回检查。Have fire patrols in accommodation.

上层建筑保持防火巡回检查。Have fire patrols in superstructure.

看,全国巡回是很简单的。We were at the state fair in bangor.

医生在巡回出诊。The doctor is on his round of visits.

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每班防火巡回检查3次。Have fire patrols 3 times every watch.

她希望明年能够恢复巡回演唱会。She hopes to resume touring next year.

巡回医疗队不久就要到这儿来。The mobile medical team will soon be here.

这位布道者正在该州巡回布道。The preacher was circuiting about the state.

巡回检查可发现一些问题。Some problems may be found by tour inspection.

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夜间值班员每小时巡回一次。The night watchman makes his round every hour.

巡回医疗队每周来这个村一次。A mobile clinic visits this village every week.

1880年代,巡回大牧场达到了顶峰。Itinerant ranching reached its peak in the 1880s.