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他是补缀汽车的熟手在行。He's an old hand at fixing cars.

刚来的打字员是个熟手。The new typist is green at her job.

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我们有百多名熟手技工。We have more than 100 skilled craftsmen.

我们也需要志愿者,熟手和普通的。We also need volunteers, skilled and general.

如果没有熟手,就把我们几个也算进去吧。In default of experienced hands, count the few of us among the number.

我们预测在下一个十年,有技能的熟手比较稀缺。We’re predicting a real shortage in the next decade of skilled workers.

要达到这样的要求,得需要击剑者和击剑熟手的默契配合。This is achieved by good partnership between the fencer and the fencing master.

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其中最大的一个困难是工地上缺少劳工比如浇筑混凝土之类的熟手。One of the big difficulties was labor shortage in the construction field like concrete form work craftsmen.

我们在宁静的港湾划了1个半小时,即将结束时,我基本上已经成为了一名熟手。We kayaked in the peaceful cove of the lake for 1.5 hours and at the end, it made me almost a Kayaking veteran.

仅仅观看一个熟手石器专家工作,就想而知我们这把石斧的制造者得拥有多高的技艺了。Simply watching a practised knapper at work shows just how many skills the maker of our handaxe must have possessed.

但他是熟手,你是生手,我得要教你,刚开头时还得干许多该你干的活儿,只给你三十,以后涨到四十。If I break you in, I'll be doing plenty of your work at first. Suppose you begin at thirty, an' work up to the forty.

熟手型教师与专家型教师在成就目标定向上不存在显著性差异。There is no striking difference between the proficient teacher and the expert teacher in the achievement goal orientation.

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天天搬场公司拥有专业熟手员工队伍、从事搬家行业已有十几年经验。The company has professional games every day move staff, engaged in dab at move had more than 10 years experience in the industry.

熟手型教师对教师职业的认识比较稳定了,但这种稳定却是以分化为基础的。For the proficient teachers , their knowledge about teacher work is stable gradually . but the situation of stability is based on division.

我们具有熟手星加速发展速度的气力,我们能行使心灵传动的能力,我们有着深入的明白并热爱所有生命。We haudio-videoe the power to improve growth in pllittle bothers. we use telekinesis. we ingl haudio-videoe a deep understanding and love for ingl life.

他说“如果胃酸的水平过高,医生就会进行一种锁孔熟手,用胃壁的一部分,把它补在幽门上来把幽门绑紧。”"If the acid levels are severe enough they are going to do keyhole surgery and grab part of my stomach and wrap it around the valve to tighten it, " he said.

对于半熟手,培训课程由泳衣车缝技术开始,通过实际生产作业,强化泳衣车缝技能。For half proficient, training courses initiate by swimwear sewing technology. Through actual production exercises, the half proficient strengthened skill of swimwear sewing.