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未免也太不公平吧?Also too is rather unfair?

那未免有点太自恋。That would be too self-serving.

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他单独去未免太傻了。It's foolish of him to go alone.

但是,这段旋律未免太短了吧However, it would be a pretty short melody.

夏季的日子又未免太短暂。And summer's lease hath all too short a date.

事已至此,再谈改革未免空洞。Such episodes make talk of reform ring hollow.

谴责新的生活方式未免有些上纲上线。It is too moralistic to condemn new lifestyles.

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她不接受道歉,心胸未免有些狭窄。It was petty for her not to accept the apology.

我认为现在就回去未免太不划算了。I thought what a waste it would be to go back now.

过去反清教徒的言论未免过火。The anti-Puritan attack was recklessly over-stated.

去这些地方,路上未免会遇到些人,于是又要聊上一番。You meet people on the way and then chat some more.

不过我得说,要是芙蓉的话,这个目标未免也太高了点儿。But then, Fleur Delacour was really aiming a bit high.

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有些人或许会认为这种自我探究未免有点自我沉溺。Some may find this self-exploration a little indulgent.

小心的扒开那些草丛,未免割伤了她的脸蛋。Carefully push aside those, was to mow to harm her face.

那女孩个子很矮,身材消瘦,她穿的衣服未免过于艳丽。The girl was short and thin and her clothes were garish.

如果我们忙得连给予和接受爱的时间都没有,那未免也忙得太过分了!If we are too busy to give and receive love, we are too busy!

辛普利西若是相信此说人类未免也太看重自己了。We take too much upon ourselves if we believe that, Simplicio.

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她若因迟到一次就失去了工作,那未免对她太不公平了。If she lost her job for being late once, she got a pretty raw deal.

他过去重视内心生活,以致在享受有形物质方面,未免有所疏忽。He had an eager inward life with little enjoyment of tangible things.

这样说来的话把今年冠上恐怖主义之名未免奇怪,但事实就是如此。So it might sound odd to call this the year of terrorism. But it was.