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你使我脱胎换骨!You make my completely reshape myself!

它就像是从内到外脱胎换骨一样。It's like being reborn from the inside out.

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现在我已确实作到,整个公司也仿佛脱胎换骨。And I did. Today our whole business is different.

信托业开始脱胎换骨?。Is the Beginning of Rebirth for the Trust Sector?

你还在等什么?快来顶尖英语让你脱胎换骨,开创成功未来!Come to Tip-Top English, We Have What You Need to Succeed!

不成功便成仁,凯文马丁誓言要脱胎换骨。One way or another, Kevin Martin pledges to be unrecognizable.

节目录制一年之后,他完全脱胎换骨。A year after the show was filmed, he is a very different young man.

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戏剧将脱胎换骨,变得更为自由,更富想象力。Theatre will be reinvented and become much freer and more imaginative.

开创菲亚特新纪元,脱胎换骨,来势汹汹,超级雷马1000。Create a new era , the fiat shadowfax, comes viciously , super ray horse 1000.

而使用金色野牛皮肤,你的上古野牛也将脱胎换骨,金光闪闪。The use of golden buffalo skin, your ancient bison will be reborn, glittering.

持不同意见者为此脱胎换骨或者转换门庭,领袖们就是救世主。This transforms dissenters into apostates or heretics, and leaders into redeemers.

阿尔塞斯温格说,同几个星期前相比,尼古拉斯本特纳,已经脱胎换骨了。Arsène Wenger says Nicklas Bendtner is a different player compared to a few weeks ago.

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从造型线条到打磨装饰,已经有了脱胎换骨的变化。Decorate to burnish from model lines, had had the change of thoroughly remould oneself.

对你来说,任何孩子都是不平凡的,你也因此脱胎换骨。For no young person will ever be ordinary to you again. And you will never be the same.

我去年都在印度学冥想和瑜伽,回来时整个人都脱胎换骨了。I was in India for the last year studying meditation and yoga. I have come back a changed woman.

它不再继续努力,你知道你的健康食品正在脱胎换骨。It is no longer hard to continue, as you realise that health foods are making you so much better.

这个传统的马戏团行为被脱胎换骨,加上水和天空的关系。This traditional circus act is reinvented with the addition of water and its relationship to the sky.

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他可能没有向它的竞争对手那样快,但是根据之前的报告,它和IE7相比已经是脱胎换骨了。It may not be as fast as its competitors, according to early reports, but anything is better than IE7.

这对于一个曾经在少教所消磨过青春的男人来说确实是一次脱胎换骨的惊人蜕变。For a man who spent part of his youth in young offender institutions, it is a startling transformation.

我希望有一天,法兰西能够脱胎换骨,洗心革面,将这不义之财归还给被抢掠的中国。I hope that a day will come when France, delivered and cleansed, will return this booty to despoiled China.