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罗布麻能降血脂和血压吗?Can bluish dogbane fall hematic fat and blood pressure?

结果显示,罗布麻和大叶白麻ITS序列完全一致,与A。Results showed that ITS sequences from all samples of A.

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结论罗布麻纤维具有较强的抗菌性。ConclusionThe Apocynum venetum has good antibiotic characteristics.

分析了罗布麻脱胶前后胶质的变化和精干麻的品质指标。The degumming property and the quality index of retted fiber are analyzed.

由于野生罗布麻生长高矮不一,形态各异,与其纤维品质的相关性较大。The fiber quality of Apocynum is greatly different due to its different height and shape.

目的分析不同产地罗布麻叶中挥发性成分。Objective To analyze essential components of Folium Apocyni Veneti from different habitats.

结论为罗布麻叶药材的质量评价提供依据。Conclusion There showed that it provided the valuable data for quality assessment of Folium Apocyni Veneti.

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指出超声波法在罗布麻预处理产业化应用中将会有广阔前景。It predicts that the ultrasonic method will play important role in the industrial pretreatment of apocynum.

用罗布麻纤维加工而成的服装具有良好的保健功能。The clothes with the clothing which the bluish dogbane textile fiber process has the good health care function.

大麻,黄麻,剑麻,罗布麻,亚麻,苎麻纱线,面料,成衣及各种绳,线,工艺制品。We specialize exporting hemp, jute, sisal, kendir , linen, ramie fiber, yarn, twine, rope, fabrics and clothing.

介绍了精棉/罗布麻/远红外粘胶三合一混纺纱的主要技术关键。The paper introduces the key technology of blended yarn with refined cotton, apocynum and far-infrared viscose fiber.

我厂是九十年代初建设的罗布麻专业生产厂家。Our factory is the bluish dogbane specialized production factory which is found at the beginning of the 90's constructs.

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结果表明,罗布麻叶与茎中总黄酮含量有显著的差异,叶中的含量明显高于茎中的含量。The result showed that the contents of flavonoids have remarkable differences between leaf and stem, and higher in leaf.

详细描述了3种罗布麻的形态解剖特征,指出它们的主要区别。Morphological and anatomical features of 3 varieties of Apocynum and their main differences were described in this paper.

对近年来罗布麻根的药理作用研究进行了综述,为其资源开发利用提供科学依据。Studies on Pharmacological actions of Apocynum venetum Linn. were reviewed to provide scientific basis for its development.

对罗布麻不同器官和不同月份的叶、茎中总黄酮含量进行比较分析。This paper discussed the comparison of flavonoids in different parts and in Apocynum venetum collected in different months.

在韧皮部中乳汁管呈环状的星散分布,同时在罗布麻髓中也星散分布乳汁管和分泌道。In the phloem laticifer disperse distribution likely ring, meanwhile, in the pith also disperse laticifer and secretory canal.

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本发明属制备含罗布麻的食品、饮料与药品及其制备方法。The present invention discloses a series of foodstuffs, beverage and medicines containing bluish dogbane and its preparing process.

结论测定方法简便易行,准确可靠,可作为罗布麻叶总黄酮质量控制的方法。Conclusion The method is convenient and reliable. It can be used as a quality control method of total flavonoids of Apocynum venetum L.

所得结论对精干罗布麻纤维产品的开发及生产有一定的指导意义。The obtained results have important guiding significance for the development of degummed apocynum venetum fiber fabrics and its production.