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你看上去气色很好。You look great.

你今天看上去气色较好。You look better today.

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你看起来气色很不错。??You’re looking very well.

看起来气色不太好耶?Do not look too good or not?

你看上去气色更好,更有“型”You Will Look Better And Skinnier

啊呀,你的气色看上去很差,怎么了?Oh you look awful! What's the matter?

很高兴见到你,你看起来气色不错。Nice to meet you here. You look great.

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而看这藤乃真气色。While watching the vine is really look.

最近我觉得他气色比原来差了。I thought he was looking worse than usual lately.

假如你离了婚仍然很快活,你就会看上去气色不错。If you are divorced and happy, then you'll look good.

我前天看到她的时候她气色看起来很好。I saw her the day before yesterday and she looked great.

你消瘦羸弱,气色不好,死亡已经临近。You are emaciated and ill-looking , you are near to death!

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“你气色不错,”带子开始转动时科佩尔说。"You look fine, " Koppel said when the tape began to roll.

你气色很好啊,一定在下面过得不错Say, you look fine. You must really be doing okay down here.

是啊,你看上去气色真好!产假休得怎么样?I know. You look fabulous! How is your maternity leave going?

身体健康的外在表现便是气色清新。Keeping your body healthy may help you maintain a fresh complexion.

在雅致的光线之下,自然而然带给食客红润好气色。In the elegant light, it naturally brings diner good complexion ruddy.

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布郎先生是一个善良的人,那天他看起来气色很不好,面带病容的样子。Mr. Brown is a very white man. He was looking rather green the other day.

雅各见拉班的气色向他不如从前了。And Jacob noticed that Laban's attitude toward him was not what it had been.

他现在又高又瘦,气色也不如以前,衣着和言谈都和以前不一样了。He had grown sparer, and lost his colour, and spoke and dressed quite differently.